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Sending Bulk Emails

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    Sending Bulk Emails

    I need to send email to more than the 30 email addresses my ISP allows me to send to at a time. It is not intended for spam. I am involved in an environmental watchdog group that needs to notify residents in a geographic area of development applications lodged with the local authority. I also need to copy all correspondence to all persons registered as interested and affected i.r.o. several applications pending. The number of addresses vary between 50 to 300. It is often necessary to append PDF documents. Splitting the distribution lists 30 addresses at a time is excruciating and inefficient. So far I've found Mail::bulkmail, apparently a Perl script that would allow me to do what needs be done, however I am innocent of Perl and have no idea how to use it. I use kmail as my email client.

    Before I resort to commercially available solutions, are there any open source suggestions? Perhaps someone could point me to a how to/tutorial to use mail::bulkmail?


    Re: Sending Bulk Emails

    Have you looked at Bulkmail?


      Re: Sending Bulk Emails

      Yes, that site is not human readable. I'm trying to get by without first having to learn Perl from the ground up.

