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Bluetooth dongle works on one install, not on another

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    Bluetooth dongle works on one install, not on another

    I was trying to pair up my Nokia N900 with BlueMaemo to use it as a remote for my projector computer, but something seems to have gone wrong at some point and now the usb bluetooth dongle I've been using isn't detecting on the computer I need it to. I even did a full removal (ie. --purge) of all the bluetooth-related packages installed, but no dice; the computer still seems to think there's no bluetooth devices installed.

    If I run lsusb it's quite clear that the dongle is recognized (humorously it's even reading as the same dongle as in the Ubuntu wiki bluetooth setup example). Here's the output of lsusb -v:

    Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)
    Device Descriptor:                                    
     bLength        18                               
     bDescriptorType     1                               
     bcdUSB        1.10                               
     bDeviceClass     224 Wireless                           
     bDeviceSubClass     1 Radio Frequency                       
     bDeviceProtocol     1 Bluetooth                          
     bMaxPacketSize0    16                               
     idVendor      0x0a12 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd                 
     idProduct     0x0001 Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)                 
     bcdDevice      1.34                               
     iManufacturer      0                               
     iProduct        0                               
     iSerial         0                               
     bNumConfigurations   1                               
     Configuration Descriptor:                               
      bLength         9                              
      bDescriptorType     2                              
      wTotalLength     108                              
      bNumInterfaces     2                              
      bConfigurationValue   1                              
      iConfiguration     0                              
      bmAttributes     0x80                              
       (Bus Powered)                                   
      MaxPower       100mA                             
      Interface Descriptor:                                
       bLength         9                             
       bDescriptorType     4                             
       bInterfaceNumber    0                             
       bAlternateSetting    0                             
       bNumEndpoints      3                             
       bInterfaceClass    224 Wireless                         
       bInterfaceSubClass   1 Radio Frequency                     
       bInterfaceProtocol   1 Bluetooth                        
       iInterface       0                             
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x81 EP 1 IN                        
        bmAttributes      3                            
         Transfer Type      Interrupt                       
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0010 1x 16 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x82 EP 2 IN                        
        bmAttributes      2                            
         Transfer Type      Bulk                         
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0040 1x 64 bytes                      
        bInterval        0                            
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x02 EP 2 OUT                       
        bmAttributes      2                            
         Transfer Type      Bulk                         
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0040 1x 64 bytes                      
        bInterval        0                            
      Interface Descriptor:                                
       bLength         9                             
       bDescriptorType     4                             
       bInterfaceNumber    1                             
       bAlternateSetting    0                             
       bNumEndpoints      2                             
       bInterfaceClass    224 Wireless                         
       bInterfaceSubClass   1 Radio Frequency                     
       bInterfaceProtocol   1 Bluetooth                        
       iInterface       0                             
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x83 EP 3 IN                        
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0000 1x 0 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x03 EP 3 OUT                       
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0000 1x 0 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
      Interface Descriptor:                                
       bLength         9                             
       bDescriptorType     4                             
       bInterfaceNumber    1                             
       bAlternateSetting    1                             
       bNumEndpoints      2                             
       bInterfaceClass    224 Wireless                         
       bInterfaceSubClass   1 Radio Frequency                     
       bInterfaceProtocol   1 Bluetooth                        
       iInterface       0                             
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x83 EP 3 IN                        
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0009 1x 9 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x03 EP 3 OUT                       
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0009 1x 9 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
      Interface Descriptor:                                
       bLength         9                             
       bDescriptorType     4                             
       bInterfaceNumber    1                             
       bAlternateSetting    2                             
       bNumEndpoints      2                             
       bInterfaceClass    224 Wireless                         
       bInterfaceSubClass   1 Radio Frequency                     
       bInterfaceProtocol   1 Bluetooth                        
       iInterface       0                             
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x83 EP 3 IN                        
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0011 1x 17 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
       Endpoint Descriptor:                                
        bLength         7                            
        bDescriptorType     5                            
        bEndpointAddress   0x03 EP 3 OUT                       
        bmAttributes      1                            
         Transfer Type      Isochronous                      
         Synch Type        None                         
         Usage Type        Data                         
        wMaxPacketSize   0x0011 1x 17 bytes                      
        bInterval        1                            
    Device Status:   0x0000   ]                             
     (Bus Powered)
    On my main PC, also running 9.10, it all works fine (in fact I typed this sentence from BlueMaemo's keyboard just for fun, heh). As far at least as lsusb is concerned there's no different (I in fact copied lsusb -v 's output on each of the machines to text files and ran diff on them, the only dissimilar line being naturally the one containing the Bus and Device numbers, and other than that even that line was the same). I've of course tried "service bluetooth restart" on the not-working machine, and in fact fully restarting it, and unsurprisingly (since my main PC works for this without such hassles) it doesn't help either.

    So, hmmm. I don't know really enough about the details of the bluetooth stack, so am I just missing some obvious pitfall where things could be going wrong? Because I can't think of where the error might lie . . .