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Unable to get wallpapers from Windows shared drive moved to Kubuntu for use

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    Unable to get wallpapers from Windows shared drive moved to Kubuntu for use

    Hi everyone. I'm relatively new to Kubuntu 9.10, and am trying to copy wallpapers from a windows (Vista) shared drive I have added on my laptop (a Dell Inspiron 1525) to the usr/share/wallpapers folder, but I keep getting an error saying, "Access denied. Could not write to usr/share/wallpapers."

    How do I get the wallpapers moved so I can use them when I want to swap them out?


    Re: Unable to get wallpapers from Windows shared drive moved to Kubuntu for use

    The location you are trying to copy to is owned by 'root' and you can't do a copy as your regular user.

    Just preface your cp command with sudo (sudo cp file_source destination)
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: Unable to get wallpapers from Windows shared drive moved to Kubuntu for use


      In Linux (not just Kubuntu/Ubuntu) the only place that your regular user account has access to is /home/user (where user is your login name).

      So when it says "Access denied. Could not write to /usr/share/wallpapers", it's telling you that you do not have the right privileges to write to that directory.

      With that out of the way, here's how to get them moved there (the safest way, in my opinion):

      1) First copy the wallpapers you would like into a directory that you own. For instance, you could create a directory in your "home" folder called "wallpapers".

      2) Copy the wallpapers from your windows share to this newly created directory (I'll assume it's called "wallpapers" in your "home" folder).

      3) Open konsole (Alt-F2 and type konsole, or find it in your applications menu) and type: "sudo cp wallpapers/* /usr/share/wallpapers" (without the quotations). You will be prompted for your root/administrator password.

      After this your wallpapers should show up in the list when you want to change your wallpaper settings for your desktop.

      Hope that helps

      Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.


        Re: Unable to get wallpapers from Windows shared drive moved to Kubuntu for use

        Originally posted by Snowhog
        The location you are trying to copy to is owned by 'root' and you can't do a copy as your regular user.

        Just preface your cp command with sudo (sudo cp file_source destination)
        if s/he's getting the message "Access Denied: could not write to....." s/he's using Dolphin to transfer the files
        Man by his very nature is dependent on other men.

