I get no sound, when trying to playback any file in Audacity (1.3.9). No error messages, nothing, the output level meters jumping happily as if I'm deaf. Amarok plays audio files just fine.
In Edit/Preferences, there are the following settings in Devices section:
My Kubuntu version: 9.10, Kernel version: 2.6.31-20-generic
I'd be very happy to learn from where to start in order to fix this. I've headr that Audacity is very picky, etc, and that it might be that other application is using the sound device at the same time. Well, I tried to run it as a very first thing afer rebooting, but no success.
I get no sound, when trying to playback any file in Audacity (1.3.9). No error messages, nothing, the output level meters jumping happily as if I'm deaf. Amarok plays audio files just fine.
In Edit/Preferences, there are the following settings in Devices section:
Inferface: Host: ALSA Using: PortAudio V19-devel (built Oct 26 2009 02:21:30) Playback: Device: HDA Intel: STAC92xx Digital (hw:0,1) Recording: Device: HDA Intel: STAC92xx Analog (hw:0,0) Channels: 2 (Stereo)
I'd be very happy to learn from where to start in order to fix this. I've headr that Audacity is very picky, etc, and that it might be that other application is using the sound device at the same time. Well, I tried to run it as a very first thing afer rebooting, but no success.