I am having multiple problems trying to convert an AVI for upload to Youtube.
When I run it with VLC, I get the message "THis AVIfile is broken." I have read numerous responses for this, but none of them seem to help.
So I assume it is readable and try to convert it to something Youtube will like. (Aside: Why the hell does a recent model of Canon -- A1000 IS -- not write files Youtube can read?) I have tried ffmpeg, winff and avidemux. They all fail for similar reasons (I think). Typical is the response of avidemux:
[BuildChain] Encoder initialization failed. Not activated.
It produces the following info:
at line 0, file ??/usr/lib/libADM_core.so(ADM_backTrack+0x6d) [0x74692d]
/usr/lib/libADM_core.so(_Z20sig_segfault_handleri+0x46) [0x746db6]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN23ADM_audioEncoderWrapperC1EP11AU DMEncoder+0x3a) [0x80a4eaa]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z16buildAudioFilterP22AVDMGenericAu dioStreamj+0x11b) [0x80a15db]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN14GenericAviSave10setupAudioEv+0x 1bf) [0x80cea6f]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN14GenericAviSave7saveAviEPKc+0x50 ) [0x80ceb50]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z6A_SavePKc+0x49a) [0x809ee2a]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z13A_SaveWrapperPc+0x13) [0x8097483]
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUI.so(_Z17FileSel_ReadWritePFvPKcEiS0_S 0_+0x77) [0xde7da7]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk [0x81ac8a2]
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUI.so(_Z16GUI_FileSelWritePKcPFvS0_E+0x 2c) [0xde826c]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z12HandleAction6Action+0x1694) [0x809c6d4]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z11guiCallbackP12_GtkMenuItemPv+0x2 0) [0x81b1950]
/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID+0x7c) [0x5bf9fc]
I was trying to convert my AVI file to MPEG-4 ASP and MP3 as per
So what do I have to do to convert my poor broken AVI file?
Thanks in advance.
Also, I do not see why one should have to know about codecs, containers and more just to take a file and convert it for Youtube. I thought computers were supposed to make these things easy.
When I run it with VLC, I get the message "THis AVIfile is broken." I have read numerous responses for this, but none of them seem to help.
So I assume it is readable and try to convert it to something Youtube will like. (Aside: Why the hell does a recent model of Canon -- A1000 IS -- not write files Youtube can read?) I have tried ffmpeg, winff and avidemux. They all fail for similar reasons (I think). Typical is the response of avidemux:
[BuildChain] Encoder initialization failed. Not activated.
It produces the following info:
at line 0, file ??/usr/lib/libADM_core.so(ADM_backTrack+0x6d) [0x74692d]
/usr/lib/libADM_core.so(_Z20sig_segfault_handleri+0x46) [0x746db6]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN23ADM_audioEncoderWrapperC1EP11AU DMEncoder+0x3a) [0x80a4eaa]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z16buildAudioFilterP22AVDMGenericAu dioStreamj+0x11b) [0x80a15db]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN14GenericAviSave10setupAudioEv+0x 1bf) [0x80cea6f]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_ZN14GenericAviSave7saveAviEPKc+0x50 ) [0x80ceb50]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z6A_SavePKc+0x49a) [0x809ee2a]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z13A_SaveWrapperPc+0x13) [0x8097483]
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUI.so(_Z17FileSel_ReadWritePFvPKcEiS0_S 0_+0x77) [0xde7da7]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk [0x81ac8a2]
/usr/lib/libADM_coreUI.so(_Z16GUI_FileSelWritePKcPFvS0_E+0x 2c) [0xde826c]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z12HandleAction6Action+0x1694) [0x809c6d4]
/usr/bin/avidemux2_gtk(_Z11guiCallbackP12_GtkMenuItemPv+0x2 0) [0x81b1950]
/usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID+0x7c) [0x5bf9fc]
I was trying to convert my AVI file to MPEG-4 ASP and MP3 as per
So what do I have to do to convert my poor broken AVI file?
Thanks in advance.
Also, I do not see why one should have to know about codecs, containers and more just to take a file and convert it for Youtube. I thought computers were supposed to make these things easy.