I am helping a relative via Skype and I've verified a problem he has when he runs an app, even Skype. It started out of the blue when he booted up yesterday. All of the applications he had running when he shut down the day before yesterday came up yesterday, BUT, their representations appeared twice in the left side of the desktop panel.
Now, when the app appears after he clicks the app's panel icon, or starts it by any other method, TWO application representations appear on the left side of his desktop panel. If he right mouses on either one and clicks the "Close" button BOTH panel representations disappear and the application closes. I've checked the usual suspects: not restoring a session, the Windows behavior settings in Systemsettings, etc.., but I may have over looked something.
I couldn't find anything similar on the web. Anyone hear of or have this happen to themselves?
Now, when the app appears after he clicks the app's panel icon, or starts it by any other method, TWO application representations appear on the left side of his desktop panel. If he right mouses on either one and clicks the "Close" button BOTH panel representations disappear and the application closes. I've checked the usual suspects: not restoring a session, the Windows behavior settings in Systemsettings, etc.., but I may have over looked something.
I couldn't find anything similar on the web. Anyone hear of or have this happen to themselves?