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NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

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    Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

    Aah but you have a much newer video card, and will be running a newer driver version. I think that is why you have options that I don't


      Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

      There's also a second "save" button - at the end on the list see "nvidia-settings Configuration"?

      There should be a save button there.

      Also - try running nvidia-settings from the console to get a look at any other error messages.

      What's your card model and driver version

      Please Read Me


        Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

        I'll go have a look at that menu item shortly

        Geforce 2 MX, It's already stated in my first post and you can see it in my screenshot.

        Driver version I think is 96.xx


          Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot


          In tty1, after
          sudo service kdm stop

          sudo nvidia-xconfig
          sudo service kdm start
          Login to GUI. Then Alt-F2 "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to run it in root mode. Set your resolution, then "Save to X Configuration File" will work.


            Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

            Will that work for my older drivers though?


              Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

              Originally posted by Agent24
              Will that work for my older drivers though?
              It says here that 71.86.13 works on "some GeForce 2 GPUs". Not exactly a high-confidence pronouncement.

              It says the 96.43.16 is for "GeForce 2 through GeForce 4 GPUs".

              It's been 4 years since I was using 71.86 -- I do not remember what its capabilities are, but if 96.43 is not working, it might be worth a shot. If it does not include the nvidia-xconfig utility, check and see if there is a package in the repo by that name. If so, try using that.

              You do need an /etc/xorg.conf file to run the proprietary driver, and to twiddle the resolution with nvidia-settings. Your original post indicates that the xorg.conf file was not, in fact, written by the driver during installation. That's a problem.


                Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

                Hey I have nvidia and had the same problem. This is how i fixed mine.
                1) Restart your computer.
                2) At the Log-In Window presss Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in
                3) cd /etc/X11 and sudo rm -r xorg.conf
                4) Ctrl+Alt+F7 and log in
                5) Go to ur Hardware Drivers and active the new driver.
                5) go to terminal and do sudo nvidia-xconfig
                6) reboot your computer
                7) login and use sudo nvidia-settings and you should be able to overwrite ur xorg.conf file... let me know if it helped


                  Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

                  Originally posted by Eusebiu
                  7) login and use sudo nvidia-settings and you should be able to overwrite ur xorg.conf file... let me know if it helped
                  You are far less likely to trash your system if you use
                  kdesudo nvidia-settings


                    Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

                    true, but as long as he know what he's doing to a certain extent he'll be fine, but ya for more safety he should use kdesudo nvidia-settings. thanks skunk


                      Re: NVIDIA X Server Settings won't save settings, resolution is reset at reboot

                      I would offer a couple of improvements to this sequence:

                      Originally posted by Eusebiu

                      1) Restart your computer.
                      2) At the Log-In Window press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and log in
                      2(a) Shut down X with "sudo service kdm stop"
                      3) cd /etc/X11 and sudo rm -r xorg.conf
                      4) Ctrl+Alt+F7 and log in Restart X with "sudo service kdm start" and log in
                      5) Go to ur Hardware Drivers and active the new driver.
                      5) go to terminal and do kdesudo nvidia-xconfig
                      6) reboot your computer
                      7) login and use kdesudo nvidia-settings and you should be able to overwrite ur xorg.conf file... let me know if it helped

