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File sharing does not work for nfs and samba

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    File sharing does not work for nfs and samba

    i installed filesharing and nfs and samba....when go dolphin to even shares on nfs...but samba stays greyed out. also when you go look at what is shows 9 bytes from my other kubuntu computer and does not allow you to view anything shared on one i am try to share with.

    Re: File sharing does not work for nfs and samba

    I haven't quite figured that one out, yet.

    I use a workaround. I enter the location by hand. If my Samba share is at, for example, in the left side panel of Dolphin I "Add entry"

    Location: smb://

    Then it works fine. I can use other designations of Windows shares on the network (such as windowsserver/sharedfiles ) instead of, of course.

    The problem is often locating the WinDNS server, or even having one running on your network. My WinDNS server is on a windows machine that usually is turned off on my network (since I don't use Windows much anymore), and I never bothered to set one up on a Linux box. (My home router is old and doesn't have the capability.)

    The Dolphin entry remains, after adding it, so I never have to do it again.

    Also, don't forget to make sure any firewalls are opened appropriately. So I make sure my firewall allows access to, for example.


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