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[SOLVED] Immediately after login screen , a borderless terminal appears

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    [SOLVED] Immediately after login screen , a borderless terminal appears

    I recently installed kde 4.4 on my stable Kubuntu 9.10. First I faced the same problem which most of the people who upgraded faced, i.e., no plasma. This I got corrected by removing my old 'share' file from home directory (/home/USER/.kde/share )....
    Everything went normal after that. The next adventure was after a reboot, after some updates.
    Now,the login screen looped even, after entering proper username and password.
    While trying to solve this, i don't know what I did (can't remember), now it doesn't loop but immediately after accepting the username/password,
    It opens a Gnome-terminal without borders and if i type 'startx' in it, the desktop starts but the terminal is fixed and cannot closed.

    Presently I'm login using 'console login' and then typing 'startx', under this method the system is always in 'root' , which i guess isn't good.
    If any solutions , let me know.
    And thanks in advance

    Re: Immediately after login screen , a borderless terminal appears

    Originally posted by deepbluediamond

    Presently I'm login using 'console login' and then typing 'startx', under this method the system is always in 'root' , which i guess isn't good.
    This gives a hint of why it is "login looping". You have used root mode for doing operations in your /home/user folder, and changed the permissions on ~/.ICEauthority and ~/.Xauthority (at least). You may be able to restore normal function by deleting those two files (you will have to do it as root, in CLI (not X server GUI). Then restart your system and log in as user (we hope).

    You should NEVER run the X server as root, by the way. That's how Kubuntu gets screwed up.


      Re: Immediately after login screen , a borderless terminal appears

      Thank you dibl for your fast reply....
      My issue is solved.
      Let me explain what went wrong:
      1-The terminal appeared immediately after login-screen because i was logging in 'failsafe mode' (i hadn't realized this, my stupidity)
      2-As suggested by 'dibl', i removed my /home/USR/.ICEauthority & /home/USR/.Xauthority (otherwise it showed couldn't access, because permission denied)
      3-I had to remove my /home/USR/.kde/share file also, again as I was trying to login , it showed some error which said couldn't get access rights to ~/share

      I'm back again with Kubuntu 9.10 with brand new "kde SC 4.4" , and kde 4.4 rocks!!!

