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amarok stopped working

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    amarok stopped working

    I was away on vacation, and when I came back I discovered that Amarok doesn't play mp3s at all anymore (played with no problems previously). What happens is that when I click "play" the program immediately goes to the last song on the playlist, but doesn't play it at all; it will say it is playing it but no sound, no counting of elapsed time and the slider doesn't move at all. There is otherwise no problem with my sound system, I can play mp3s in banshee, minirok etc.; in fact I can play a song in banshee at the same time that the very same song is "playing" (or not) in amarok! I am running Karmic and have installed all the restricted extras.

    Re: amarok stopped working

    is the libxine1-ffmpeg package installed?

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: amarok stopped working

      Check logs files (/var/log/messages or dmesg) when you try this.

      This is the behavior I would expect from Amarok if the files in the playlist no longer exist - you might try clearing and reloading your playlist if you haven't already.

      Please Read Me

