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[Solved] Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

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    [Solved] Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file


    After doing an apt-get dist-upgrade I am now experiencing errors in pretty much any KDE app that shows files including, but probably not limited to, Dolphin, Gwenview, Kate, Kopete and Amarok.

    They all provide this error message:
    Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

    Dolphin does not show any files
    Gwenview shows the "Recent Folders" page, but nothing if I try to open any of the folders
    Kate thows the error and won't show files in load/save dialogues
    Kopete the same, and it won't show any emoticon eithers
    Amarok shows the error and won't show files in for instance the "Add Media" dialogue box.

    The latter three work OK apart from that.

    This is what I get when I open Dolphin from the command line:

    dolphin(9096)/kio (bookmarks) KBookmarkManager::KBookmarkManager: starting KDirWatch for "/home/skrim/.local/share//user-places.xbel"
    dolphin(9096)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate:penDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from "/var/tmp/kdecache-skrim/ksycoca4"
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Listing directory: KUrl("trash:/")
    Object::connect: No such slot DolphinSearchBox::slotClearButtonClicked()
    Object::connect: No such signal DolphinController::requestUrlChange(const KUrl&)
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Reloading directory: KUrl("file:///home/skrim")
    dolphin(9096)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::instance: instance(): ... initialised
    dolphin(9096)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readConfig: readConfig(): local zone= "Europe/London"
    dolphin(9096)/kdecore (K*TimeZone*) KSystemTimeZonesPrivate::readZoneTab: readZoneTab( "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" )
    Object::connect: No such signal DolphinController::requestUrlChange(const KUrl&)
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Entry currently being listed: KUrl("file:///home/skrim") by (DolphinDirLister(0x9c47b0) )
    Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QStr ing,QString,QString)
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Connecting to local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Failed to connect to Nepomuk server via local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Connecting to local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Failed to connect to Nepomuk server via local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name was not provided by any .service files"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Connecting to local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    "/usr/bin/dolphin(9096)" Error in thread 140305320294384 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
    dolphin(9096)/nepomuk (library) <unnamed>::GlobalModelContainer::init: Failed to connect to Nepomuk server via local socket "/home/skrim/.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/socket"
    skrim@blackbox:~$ QStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDevi ceInterface(const Solid:eviceInterface::Type&) error: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"

    QStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDevi ceInterface(const Solid:eviceInterface::Type&) error: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"

    QStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDevi ceInterface(const Solid:eviceInterface::Type&) error: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"

    QStringList Solid::Backends::Hal::HalManager::findDeviceByDevi ceInterface(const Solid:eviceInterface::Type&) error: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown"

    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::listDir: Entry currently being listed: KUrl("trash:/") by (KDirLister(0x955940) )
    dolphin(9096)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "trash" for KUrl("trash:/")
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on "local:/tmp/ksocket-skrim/dolphinjG9096.slave-socket"
    dolphin(9096): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
    klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_trash'.
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotResult: finished listing KUrl("trash:/")
    dolphin(9096)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "file" for KUrl("file:///home/skrim")
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on "local:/tmp/ksocket-skrim/dolphinrA9096.slave-socket"
    dolphin(9096): couldn't create slave: "Unable to create io-slave:
    klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_file'.
    dolphin(9096)/kio (KDirListerCache) KDirListerCache::slotResult: finished listing KUrl("file:///home/skrim")

    I really hope someone can help me out with this, as I've had no luck so far, other than locking myself out of KDE a couple of times ...

    Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

    Do you have LOTS of files?

    A little googling indicates that if the error is causes by having a gazillion files, then you might need to increase the file-max value in /etc/sysctl.conf. Here's one link:

    If that doesn't seem to be the problem, then it may be related to your partitioning scheme and /etc/fstab mount table. You can post that for review if you wish.


      Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

      Thanks for the reply.

      I wouldn't think that I have THAT many! I try to stay below a gazillion on any given system. I did try increasing file-max though. Unfortunately the problem is still present.

      Here's my current fstab:

      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
      # Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
      # for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
      # devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
      # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      # / was on /dev/sda5 during installation
      UUID=af08bb68-71d6-4be0-ab0e-78acc989c0c7 / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
      # /home was on /dev/sda7 during installation
      UUID=cfa45672-1887-4263-8ca4-0d941930a062 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
      # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
      UUID=7fceec96-2b38-424c-93d7-9d9fdee896c6 none swap sw 0 0
      # swap was on /dev/sdb2 during installation
      UUID=557eb8f6-be46-43ce-b805-32056929fae4 none swap sw 0 0
      /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0


        Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

        I have no idea whether this is relevant, but you have 2 swap partitions. Use the editor of your choice, in "sudo" mode, and comment out one of them, and reboot.

        The other thing is, you have only the "defaults" option on your /home partition. I'm going to speculate that another option or two, like "auto" and "users" might be needed. I'm away from my trusty Kubuntu system at this moment and can't check it, but you might want to review the functions of mount options, particularly those two.


          Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

          I'll have a look at the mount options and the second swap as well. Noticed that one when looked earlier, but I haven't had time to play with it yet.

          Thanks again, mate. Much appreciated.


            Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

            I just found my netbook running Debian with an ext4 filesystem. Here are the mount options:


            You might want to give it a try that way.


              Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

              Excellent! Modifying fstab did the trick.

              Now I just have a bit of tweaking to do, as it seems I've ended up with a slightly broken configuration. Nothing major though. Just have to do a little house cleaning in .kde I think.

              Thanks for taking the time to help me


                Re: Unable to create io-slave, error loading kio_file

                Originally posted by Skrim

                Thanks for taking the time to help me

