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Flash player

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    Flash player

    I recently installed version 10 for the 64bit system, and noticed that sometimes the sound cuts out after a few minutes. Nothing wrong with the sound card, sound works on the rest of the system. I also noticed it seems to cook the cpu's on the laptop when I am running a video on the web?

    Any ideas?

    Gateway Notebook NV52 with ati graphics.

    Re: Flash player

    Originally posted by athlon52
    I recently installed version 10 for the 64bit system
    Probably you'll need to tell more -- how did you install it?

    Here, Firefox 3.5.8 is running Flash 10.0 r42 with no problems. This is the flashplugin-nonfree package from the repos (Medibuntu, I think).


      Re: Flash player

      Installed from adobe, and am running it on firefox 3.5.8.
      Though I have yet to try it on other web browsers, think I might give that a try..


        Re: Flash player

        If it plays sound, then quits, let the system run for awhile. If it starts to play sound again, that's your indicator that it's your download bandwidth that is slowing down the audio stream. I just had that happen on mine this evening. It's not the flash player's fault if your ISP throttles your bandwidth.

