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wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

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    wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

    Hi to everybody ,
    I have the following WIFI problem.
    When I switch on my REPEATER (D-INK DAP 1160) to have the
    extension signal of my wireless AP (D-LINK DSL G624T) the network manager (wicd) looks two networks with the same SSID (name), channel, security less the signal power of course . The SSID is that of my wireless AP of course.

    This situation make sense ??

    In this situation I see wicd doesn't work well because it disconnect/connect continuously or is connected to network less powered. (I doesn't understand this !!!)

    Consider that when the REPEATER is switched off all my wireless network works fine.

    My WIFI configuration:

    OS: Kubuntu 9.10
    network manager : wicd
    AP wireless: D-LINK DSL-G624T

    D-LINK DAP-1160 - as REPEATER :

    Firmware version: V1.30
    Wireless mode: "Repeater"
    Site Survey: (I choose my wifi network "dlink_wireless" managed by my AP )
    SSID/Wireless Network name: "dlink_wireless"
    Security mode: (the same of my wifi network)
    PSK/AEP: "Personal"
    PASSphrase:"******************" ( the same of my wifi network)

    Please do you have any idea as to resolve the problem ??

    Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU

    Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

    that is a very odd situation indeed.. have you tried with another machine or network manager to see if your network issue is present on them ?
    if you have does changing the repeaters ssid help this issue?
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      Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

      it seems to me the windows machines works fine, while those with kubuntu/wicd have the same problem. wicd identifies two network with the same SSID with the problem already said, for default the kubuntu machines connect with the network of the AP.

      In addition the wifi performance i.e. the speed up/down (speedtest measure ) has decreased (about - 20/30%) compared with the configuration with the only AP (repeater off). I tried to adjust the parameter of the DAP-1160 without speed improvement

      This situation is very strange.

      any ideas ?? thanks.
      Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


        Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

        Have you tried it by connecting it to your router wired, and turning the wireless off in your router and using it as the only wireless AP?

        Another thought, are both devices broadcasting on the same channel? Can you change the channel in one of them? The D-LINK DAP-1160 might have the ability to receive on one channel and broadcast on another. I don't know.


          Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

          I dont use wicd so I dont know the seting's it gives you .

          but I do have a simaler setup .......well sort of... I use a belkin rowter setup as a wireless bridge to boost the signall of a linksys router to the back of the house.

          the default network manager has a tick box to set a conection to automaticley when I chose the bridged (belkin) rowter it stays on it insted of gowing to the linksys.

          all are using the same SSID (linksys) and chanell .....and in truth thar are 2 others in the hood that are on the same chanel and SSID but my network stays on the one I have set as autoconect.

          if wicd has a seting to add the mack adress of a conection try adding that as well for the one you want it to stay on.

          sudo iwlist scan
          should give it to you

          it will be the line that looks like this

          Cell 01 - Address: 00:17:3F:57:43:7C

          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
          16GB RAM
          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


            Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

            Vinnywright brings up a good point. If you have never changed the default ssid of you device, the duplicate entries could be another device broadcasting in your neighborhood with the same ssid.


              Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

              What version of wicd do you use? The newest version is 1.7.0. I had similar problems but the new version works great. Here is a link and instructions on installing it.

              Oneiric 11.10 KDE Version 4.7.4<br />Duo core 1.8 Intel<br />4 gig ram<br />Nvidia Go 7300 Graphics<br />Dell E1505 Laptop<br /><br />I&#39;m a happy pappy with Linux on my lappy!!!


                Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

                I have wicd 1.6.1 ,

                The REPEATER and the wifi AP have the same channell because when I configure the REPEATER and point the AP rooter the channel number is automatically taken from the AP.

                Q. n1: could The new 1.7 create some problem with kubuntu 9.10 and/or with the new release of kubuntu .

                Q. n2 : could the REPEATER decrease the speed ?? or it depends also from wicd 1.6.1 when identifies 2 identical networks (same ssid, channell, passphrase....) ??

                Q. n3: since a REPEATER is ONLY a signal extender I expect that wicd (my mobile pc) always connects to AP root and not to repeater, also when wicd looks 2 identical networks instead of one (the AP), right ?

                Q. n4: instead to use the repeaters to extend the signal I could use a stronger AP for example (class N). In this case is it dangerous within the house ( microwave radiations)

                Q. n5: which solution (stronger AP or REPEATERS ) is better in my case (cover my house) ?

                thanks everybody for everything .
                Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


                  Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

                  Hi everybody

                  any ideas ?
                  Dual-booting:<br />Kubuntu: Karmic Koala (Main OS)<br />Windows:Vista Home Premium<br />--------------------------------------------------------------<br />Sony Vaio&nbsp; VGN-NR21Z - 2 Duo processor T8100<br />Graphics nvidia GeForce 8400M GT GPU


                    Re: wicd doesn't work well with a wireless that uses a REPEATER of the signal

                    Consider that when the REPEATER is switched off all my wireless network works fine.
                    perhaps thars a problem with the REPEATER's setings?

                    dose the repeater not produse it's own AP ?

                    or JUST boost the signal?

                    you can check by runing the scan as I stated ubuve and see witch one your acualey conected to with

                    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                    16GB RAM
                    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

