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Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

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    Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

    Hello everyone.
    I have a question about the top bar in the Kubuntu Netbook version - it seems to have changed against will. It is now about a third larger than it was and the desktop search is no longer the binoculars with the pop-down search box, but a large search box within the bar itself. On top of that, all of the icons are much larger than I want them to be.

    Is there any way to change this? I can't figure it out through the GUI. If anyone can help me change it back, that would be great! I want it to be smaller again, and I want the search box to go back to how it was when I installed it.


    Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

    Please? There really isn't any other documentation out there... I need someone's help with this...


      Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

      A picture is worth a lot of description. Can you take a snapshot of your desktop and post it in your reply?
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

        Oh yeah, a picture probably would have helped... Oops, sorry about that - I'll keep that in mind for next time.

        In the meanwhile, Jubilation springs from my heart! Because after some scary adventures and fears that I had completely destroyed my Linux in the past hour or so, I managed to reset the top panel and get it back to the way it was.

        So thanks anyway. I'll be sure to do pictures next time I screw up!


          Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

          Good to hear. But, for the benefit of all who see this thread, please tell us what you did to fix your problem. In that way, you give back to the community and possibly help anyone else with the problem not have to go through the grief you did.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

            Oh yeah! Good idea. Sorry, I'm pretty new to this kind of forum. It's awesome, though.

            Well, with Kubuntu Netbook Edition, the top bar should look like this when you first install it - I have an Asus Eeepc 904ha, by the way.
            [img width=400 height=234][/img]

            But when I plugged in a secondary monitor with extra screen space, the top bar grew and got, in my opinion, ugly (I'm not sure what happened with the search bar, though. I haven't had problems since)

            So to reset the bar, I completely reset all of plasma by removing the ~/.kde file as per this post:
            When I restarted the computer, it had not only removed the top bar, but it also removed the window edges (i.e. no borders, no close/maximize/minimize buttons, etc.) So of course, I freaked out.

            Eventually I figured out that I could reinstall kwin, the window manager for Kubuntu, by going into the konsole and typing kwin first, and when it told me what package to install (handy feature!), installed kubuntu-window-manager (I think).

            So that fixed my window problem and also brought back my top bar to the normal size. Hooray!

            NOW! If this ever happens to you, DON'T DO WHAT I DID!

            Haha. Instead, do this:
            1) Open the terminal and stop the plasma
            kquitapp plasma-notebook
            From the other post I mentioned before:
            The applications that are not using the plasma-desktop are still working: Krunner (Alt+F2), Dolphin, Konqueror, Konsole...
            2) Rename the essential files by navigating to the .kde folder with
            cd ~/.kde/share/config
            3) See what files are in the folder with ls command. It'll look like this in your terminal:
            user@computer:~/.kde/share/config$ ls
            4) Rename the files that start with "plasma" using mv.
            For Example:
            mv plasma-netbook-appletsrc plasma-netbook-appletsrc.old
            The files you're gonna be doing this with were the following for me:

            Alternatively, if you trust yourself enough, you can delete those same files with the rm command, though I would wait to delete them until after you renamed them and get the new files back - that's what I did.

            5) Restart plasma
            So yes, once that's all taken care of, you'll have to reset your settings, but if you didn't change much, it's not that's not a big problem.

            Hope this helps someone in the future!


              Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

              Nice follow-up. Thank you.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Kubuntu Netbook - Top bar

                Originally posted by alamantus
                [img width=400 height=234][/img]
                From the above screenshot, I can say that you are using the prehistoric version of the netbook interface A suggestion: Don't bother yourself with that "prehistoric" netbook interface (which is unresponsive and has tons of bugs, since it was just the first preview of what to come) Just upgrade to KDE 4.4. and use the fresh new and "mature" netbook interface of KDE. I'm writing this entry on my EEE 900 + KDE 4.4, and belive me it is worth the upgrade. It works like a charm, responsive and has tons of features now. And if you need any help on the new netbook interface, I'll gladly share my experiences with you.

