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KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

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    KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

    I have upgraded to KDE 4.4 on kubuntu 9.10 and now KDE does not start.
    I have added a ppa repository as described on the main page. Then nearly 100 updates become available and nearly 60 was market as blocked. I have selected all available updates and clicked Apply. A few minutes after the update finished, my computer has been turned off because of a power interruption. When i turned on my pc and tried to log into the system, the screen flushed and i got the login screen again. I have drayed to login into console and do "apt-get update", "apt-get upgrade" and "apt-get dist-upgrade". I have installed all updates, but KDE still does not works.

    I have also tried to start X server manually and do startkde. It said:
    $ DISPLAY=:12.0 startkde
    startkde: starting up
    kdeinit4_wrapper: Warrning: connect(/home/vovams/.kde/socket-vovams-s-comp/kdeinit4__12) failed: connection refused
    Segmentation fault
    startkde: shutting down...
    kdeinit4_wrapper: Warrning: connect(/home/vovams/.kde/socket-vovams-s-comp/kdeinit4__12) failed: connection refused
    Error: can not contact kdeinit4
    startkde: running shutdown scripts
    startkde: done
    $ DISPLAY=:12.0 kdeinit4 --no-fork
    Segmentation fault
    $ DISPLAY=:12.0 kdeinit4 --version
    QT: 4.6.1
    KDE: 4.4.00 (KDE 4.4.0)
    I have read that there was a problem, that plasma-desktop may be not installed, so i tried
    $ DISPLAY=:12.0 plasma-desktop --version
    Segmentation fault
    It is very strange, that it crashes even if i want to get it's version. Also this line appears in syslog:
    ... plasma-desctop [...] segfault at 8 ip 00007fff9cecc320 error 4 in[7ff53e567000+1f000]
    What should i do? Do you need more information?

    Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

    Originally posted by vovams

    my computer has been turned off because of a power interruption
    That's never a good thing. :P

    First try this after you log in at the text prompt:
    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    That should fix the broken package situation. Then, I would go ahead and do this:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get autoclean
    All this is just to fix the packages and package manager. We haven't attempted to fix the broken X server yet. Post back if it looks like it is working correctly thus far, and if so, we can take a shot at fixing your GUI.


      Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

      I have already tried all that. I have tried now again.


        Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

        Do the commands end cleanly, with no errors? If YES, then the next problem is to fix the KDE desktop. I think you probably need to run these commands, again after logging in at the CLI:

        sudo service kdm stop
        mv .kde .kde_borked
        rm .ICEauthority
        rm .Xauthority
        sudo service kdm start
        I'll cross my fingers ... I hope you saved your installation CD. :P


          Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

          No, that does not helps. I have already tried that (now again). I can't understand, why plasma-desktop crushes on "plasma-desktop --version" command. Any more ideas before the "instalation cd"?


            Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

            Probably the power loss happened during installation and configuration of your KDE4.4 packages. It's hard to tell what all got messed up -- the filesystem itself could be damaged.

            As a last shot, you can try reinstalling the plasma stuff (I'm looking at Debian -- the Kubuntu package names might be a bit different in this area):

            sudo apt-get install --reinstall plasma-dataengines-workspace plasma-desktopthemes-artwork plasma-widget-folderview plasma-widgets-workspace
            If it's still no-go, you'll probably spend less time reinstalling and configuring than chasing around the broken pieces.


              Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

              Nothing helps. Is there a way to downgrade to KDE 4.3.5, that i was using before?
              Oh, something told me to make a hdd backup before upgrading...


                Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                i have similar problem. after last upgrade it simply won't start at goes through Kubuntu screen and then it won't start...all i can see is a little dot right in the top left of the screen
                and no, I had no power shortage while upgrading to 4.4...
                i have absolutely no idea how to get into the system or how to repair it....


                  Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                  lacroix can you boot in recovery mode at least?

                  Once there you can try to rename .config, .dbus and .kde, reboot and try again, wish you luck


                    Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                    Originally posted by martosurf
                    lacroix can you boot in recovery mode at least?

                    Once there you can try to rename .config, .dbus and .kde, reboot and try again, wish you luck
                    i'd be grateful if you explained that step by step to me, coz it's all greek to me
                    and yes, it looks all fine, when i enter recovery mode...yet still no idea what i would do there...


                      Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                      Well, as Jack the Ripper said, let's go piece by piece:

                      1. .config, .dbus and .kde are all hidden directories in your home directory, that is, for example /home/lacroix (commonly abbreviated with ~)
                      2. I tell you to rename those folders because there were situations where there was conflict with KDE not launching and making KDE initialize it configuration to default can help it launch again, at least that helped to me more than a time. Just rename those folders, don't remove them, because if they're not the problem you can rename them back and save your customization of the desktop. A good approach would be to rename the folder to .ren [,, etc] this way you will remember they're intact and ready to use.
                      3. It may be too the xorg.conf file. Casually today I had this problem with KDM -the desktop environment manager- not initializing. What was wrong was a line I added -wrongly added- to the xorg.conf file to enable DontZap to activate again the X restart combination keys (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace). You can try renaming that config file aswell - it's located in /etc/X11

                      Please try above and let us know.


                        Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                        Originally posted by martosurf
                        Well, as Jack the Ripper said, let's go piece by piece:

                        1. .config, .dbus and .kde are all hidden directories in your home directory, that is, for example /home/lacroix (commonly abbreviated with ~)
                        2. I tell you to rename those folders because there were situations where there was conflict with KDE not launching and making KDE initialize it configuration to default can help it launch again, at least that helped to me more than a time. Just rename those folders, don't remove them, because if they're not the problem you can rename them back and save your customization of the desktop. A good approach would be to rename the folder to .ren [,, etc] this way you will remember they're intact and ready to use.
                        3. It may be too the xorg.conf file. Casually today I had this problem with KDM -the desktop environment manager- not initializing. What was wrong was a line I added -wrongly added- to the xorg.conf file to enable DontZap to activate again the X restart combination keys (Ctrl+Alt+Backspace). You can try renaming that config file aswell - it's located in /etc/X11

                        Please try above and let us know.
                        i don't want to sound ignorant, but i don't have a clue how to access those...i understand that i 'm supposed to enter recovery mode. but after that i haven't got the slightest idea...
                        please help me here


                          Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                          I'm in a rush to work now, when I came back home later at night I'll tell you a step-by-step guide foolproof guide to try my suggestion. Take in mind that even if you can't recover your system at all, at least you will learn a lot xDD, that's how all we here learn

                          (this is an excerpt of a post at the LuckyBackup website,

                          Somebody once said:
                          “ if you haven't backed up your data is like not having them at all !! ”

                          That is because, based at the laws of probability, some time, for some reason, something will happen and you will lose valuable data
                          Another guy once said:

                          “ computer users can be divided into 2 categories:
                          Those that have lost data
                          ...and those that have not lost data YET

                          I really wish you to never come to that situation.
                          But if you do, then I hope that you backed up your data the very last minute either by using this application or not :-)


                            Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                            My problem is slowed! Today i logged into the console and tried "apt-get upgrade". It found nearly 50 updates. I have installed them all and after reboot i am able to log into KDE and it works fine! So, it looks like there was something wrong with the backport. Another explaining may be that during the update all packages have just been reinstalled.

                            Anyway, KDE 4.4 is working now for me. Good luck for others!


                              Re: KDE 4.4 does not start after upgrading on kubuntu 9.10

                              You will be served better if you start using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade instead of upgrade. dist-upgrade handles dependencies where as upgrade will not add/remove packages due to dependencies.

                              dist-upgrade in addition to performing the function of upgrade,
                              also intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions
                              of packages; apt-get has a "smart" conflict resolution system, and
                              it will attempt to upgrade the most important packages at the
                              expense of less important ones if necessary. So, dist-upgrade
                              command may remove some packages.
                              upgrade is used to install the newest versions of all packages
                              currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in
                              /etc/apt/sources.list. Packages currently installed with new
                              versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no
                              circumstances are currently installed packages removed, or packages
                              not already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of
                              currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without
                              changing the install status of another package will be left at
                              their current version. An update must be performed first so that
                              apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available.
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

