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File manager with fixed column widths? Konqueror?

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    File manager with fixed column widths? Konqueror?

    Using Konqueror 4.3.2 as my file manager in Karmic. I have the File Manager profile set up with two vertical panes, and I'd like to set the column (Name, Date, etc.) widths so that all columns are visible without having to scroll, and have them remain the same for every folder. When I set them and save the profile, then close and restart Konqueror, sometimes one, sometimes neither of the initial panes retains the widths I set. Other folders I navigate to also show Konqueror's default of one super-wide Name column, with the other columns out of the display. It doesn't seem to matter whether I check "Remember view properties for each folder" or "Use common view properties for all folders" in the configuration menu. "View / Adjust View Properties / Apply view properties to all folders" has no effect. There doesn't seem to be anything relevant in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement.

    What am I overlooking? Or is this a bug?

    Also, has anyone figured out how to get Dolphin to open with a split view and with a different specified directory in each pane? What I want is two vertical panes, my home directory in one and root in the other. Dolphin's configuration allows for only one startup directory, which shows in both panes on startup.