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Samba share from windows server

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    Samba share from windows server

    I have a big problem with my samba share.

    When I use Dolphin, network, samba share, I can see everything including thumbnail., when I click on a files, half the time it load on the proper software the other half ask me for a login / password (witch I don't use normally when I access it over windows workstation). Even If I give him a proper username / password it refuse to connect and continue to ask me a pass.

    Is it possible to mount the share at boot? is it easy?

    Re: Samba share from windows server

    check the settings on your samba server, (i.e the windows machine) and make sure that your permissions are correct.

    the easiest way i have found to connect to a samba share is by using the following as a path in dolphin

    smb:/<hostname or ip>

    if presented w/ a log in box try just pressing OK, this happens some times even when the permissions apperar to be correct on the server. if that don't work then check again.

    as for mounting on boot it can be done.. you just need to add lines to your fstab file. that are like this

    Originally posted by my fstab from samba mount days.
    #samba shares start here...assumes ~/.smbcredentials for log in info
    // /media/archive smbfs charset=utf8,credentials=/home/chris/.smbcredentials,uid=1000 0 0
    the first line is a reminder to my self that i needed to make a smbcredentials file (basicly usr/and pass) for access to the share (if public -> not needed) i think you also need to install the smbfs package. (think its a fuse module.).. of course you could always search the forum more there are alot of threads about samba mounting.. check here first as it apperars that my smbfs method is very out dated..
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      Re: Samba share from windows server

      You may want to add the _netdev option when mounting network shares at boot.

      From the man page of mount;

      The filesystem resides on a device that requires network access (used to prevent the system from attempting to mount these filesystems until the network has been enabled on the system).
      KDE, I heart thee.


        Re: Samba share from windows server

        I can't found the problem, I have triple checked all setting in windows share and all is ok. I really don't understand why I can copy past the files and read it from the EXT4 partition but when I try to read it from within the smb share it always ask for a password. If I can copy it I should be able to read it, no?


          Re: Samba share from windows server

          Originally posted by vitesse
          If I can copy it I should be able to read it, no?
          i don't think you can read directly from a smb share it's still gonna copy the file(s) to a local disk before it will open it... (1/2 the reason i use NFS).
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            Re: Samba share from windows server

            I need to research this more myself as well. Sometimes Samba works fine between my Kubuntu laptop and Windows XP desktop, other times it asks for a username/password.. sometimes I can get past that successfully by using "smbguest" as the username, no password...othertimes it doesn't work either...


              Re: Samba share from windows server

              Originally posted by sithlord48
              Originally posted by vitesse
              If I can copy it I should be able to read it, no?
              i don't think you can read directly from a smb share it's still gonna copy the file(s) to a local disk before it will open it... (1/2 the reason i use NFS).
              Largely true for accessing stuff via smb://, but if you mount it you should be able to open stuff directly from the mounted directory. If the app in question has proper samba support, they should be able to open even without mounting. mplayer can do this, but the feature needs to be enabled at compile (./configure) time.

              You can also look into smbnetfs and fusesmb to mount your whole workgroup in one directory. So it would become /home/vitesse/samba/workgroup/othercomputer/share/music. I don't know what the differences between the two programs are, as they seem to largely work in the same way. At least in Karmic, the samba library it used wasn't thread-safe, so if you find it crashing when trying to access several files simultaneously, look for its man page for what argument to use to make it only use one thread.

              Here is the Ubuntu wiki page for fusesmb. Looks old-ish, but then most wiki pages are.
              KDE, I heart thee.

