I've gotten used to last.fm and am hoping to continue using it now that I've switched from 8.04 to 9.10. The update been traumatic to some extent, as everything is now massively slow on my old machine without enough memory. But it's gradually improving.
Problem is that last.fm no longer has a .deb and now requires compilation. When I do as the README says, "./configure && make", I get error messages centered on this bit:
Your version of Qt seems to be too old, we require Qt 4.3 or above.
It is possible you have Qt3 and Qt4 both installed. Locate your qt4 installation
and ensure it is placed first in the path, eg:
PATH=/opt/qt4/bin:$PATH ./configure
I grep'd the path and it doesn't have any qt entries, but 9.10 is running fine. Wouldn't that mean I've got the latest Qt? Maybe I just need to add it to my path, but I haven't found it yet...
Problem is that last.fm no longer has a .deb and now requires compilation. When I do as the README says, "./configure && make", I get error messages centered on this bit:
Your version of Qt seems to be too old, we require Qt 4.3 or above.
It is possible you have Qt3 and Qt4 both installed. Locate your qt4 installation
and ensure it is placed first in the path, eg:
PATH=/opt/qt4/bin:$PATH ./configure
I grep'd the path and it doesn't have any qt entries, but 9.10 is running fine. Wouldn't that mean I've got the latest Qt? Maybe I just need to add it to my path, but I haven't found it yet...