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KDE 4.4 RC2

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    KDE 4.4 RC2

    Does anybody know when this will be available?

    Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

    when it is ready


      Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

      "from the horse's mouth"

      The KDE (as the (K)Ubuntu) has various mailing lists. Few of them:

      > release-team -- KDE release coordination
      - the status of the release: tagged, released, problems...

      > kde-announce -- moderated list for KDE related announcements
      - the official release announcement delivered to your mailbox

      (there is also an option to browse the archives)

      And more:

      > KDE Schedules

      > KDE Announcements

      Kubuntu official announcements

      > - Latest news
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

        Originally posted by Rog131
        "from the horse's mouth"

        The KDE (as the (K)Ubuntu) has various mailing lists. Few of them:

        > release-team -- KDE release coordination
        - the status of the release: tagged, released, problems...

        > kde-announce -- moderated list for KDE related announcements
        - the official release announcement delivered to your mailbox

        (there is also an option to browse the archives)

        And more:

        > KDE Schedules

        > KDE Announcements

        Kubuntu official announcements

        > - Latest news
        It was supposedly released yesterday yet there is still no official announcement.


          Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

          > Schedules:
          ...Any plans are tentative schedules and the final dates are generally decided on the kde-core-devel mailing list.
          That is, when it is compiling without problems

          This > twitter/sebasje tells:
          #kde sc 4.4 RC2 to be released Friday late or Saturday morning (UTC-ish)
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

            And Kubuntu packages will follow afterward, when they are ready (or built, rather)


              Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

              Originally posted by claydoh
              And Kubuntu packages will follow afterward, when they are ready (or built, rather)
              It has arrived finally, there is a God after all.


                Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                Originally posted by tomp01
                Originally posted by claydoh
                And Kubuntu packages will follow afterward, when they are ready (or built, rather)
                It has arrived finally, there is a God after all.
                Very stable so far, for me anyway, what about others?


                  Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                  To stay in the vein, the Kgod has been good 8)
                  Finally I got the K-menu short cuts working again.


                    Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                    Ok I know that I should not install rc1 if you are not super experienced but I did it anyway. The plasma workspace has crashed. I saw someone had this issue before. Can someone help me fix this via the command line. If not I was going to reformat my hard drive anyway.



                      Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                      Updated from the repo yesterday and boy am I a happy camper

                      I was trying to figure out why ksysgaurd and the System Monitor Plasmoid were reporting crazy wild transfer speeds on eth0 and lo when they were idle but RC2 fixed it. Anyone else experience this? It appeared yesterday some time after I updated python so that may have something to do with it.

                      I'm still getting the Plasma crashes when closing Plasmoids and a couple of Plasmoids quit working but at least I have a new splash screen.
                      kcmoudle-userconfig is also not working.

                      Now has anyone figure how to get Nempomuk/Akonadi/Strigi going yet or know why kdegraphics-strigi-plugins won't install? These issues have been present for me through all of the betas and haven't been resolved. I've seen comments from others about this here and wonder if it's KDE or kubuntu. Anyone have info on this?


                        Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                        Is printer configuration broken for anyone else in RC2?

                        The user-config module is broken for me as well.


                          Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                          The Printer Configuration Module is broken for me too and so is "Edit Software Sources" in KPackagekit. I checked the rest just to see and the rest seem fine.

                          Again is the KDE or Kubuntu teams doing? I'd like to know who to notify.


                            Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                            The system has resumed from suspend correctly thrice now, so that most annoying of bugs might be gone.

                            Still plasma things like the device notifier leave debris when popping out of a vertical panel; it's okay with a horizontal panel (but I like my panel vertical, it wastes the less useful kind of space).

                            "Add new widgets" doesn't work anymore. Not just that widget names are cut off -- as soon as I click the <- or -> arrow to scroll through the widgets, all widgets disappear! (From the "add widgets" widget, not from the panel/desktop.)


                              Re: KDE 4.4 RC2

                              Originally posted by abalone
                              "Add new widgets" doesn't work anymore. Not just that widget names are cut off -- as soon as I click the <- or -> arrow to scroll through the widgets, all widgets disappear! (From the "add widgets" widget, not from the panel/desktop.)
                              Has all of KDE been upgraded (in the karmic ppa), at least on Lucid some packages are still RC1, and having mixed RC1/RC2 packages on your system can cause all sorts of glitches.

                              user-config, printer-config and software-sources are python, so them not working is likely a version mismatch with python-kde4

