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thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

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    thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

    I thought I knew how to fix this, but it's not working.

    One is supposed to be able to direct Thunderbird (TB) to a browser when link is clicked by having a file - "user.js" in one's TB profile directory which contains reference to the desired browser. I do, and it doesn't help.

    Details: I very recently removed the Ubuntu TB package and installed TB from the Linus tar.gz (or whatever it is) download from the TB website. I did the same thing the Firefox (which is surely what caused the problem), so it's now ver. 3.5.7.

    My Firefox launch script is here: /home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox, so my user.js file is this:

    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");
    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");
    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");

    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix it


    (Bonus question: What's the logic behind making this email link so obscure? Right-clicking on an email link displays "Open link in browser" as the first menu entry, yet there's no way to set that functionality up in the Preferences. To have to edit, or worse yet CREATE, the user.js file is nerdy as hell, for a casual user. I just don't understand this. Doe anyone know why they do it this way)

    Re: thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

    In these lines:

    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");
    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");
    user_pref("", "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox");

    Try something like
    to see if it will go.
    Or whatever the version of Firefox is called (or goes by).
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

      It IS Firefox 3, BUT there's no script file by that name or any approximation to it. Since this was a manual installation by me from a download from the Firefox site, the binary directory is just sitting where I placed it, and I simply reference it directly, and not with a symlink.

      In System settings > personal > default applications, I have my email client set to "/home/tomc/programs/thunderbird/thunderbird" - that will launch it if clicked manually, and my web browser set to "/home/tomc/programs/firefox/firefox" - which also launches the program is manually clicked.

      It this some how wrong? I note that when I click on an html file in a dire, which SHOULD launch that file in my default browser, it tell me "KDEInit could not launch 'firefox'.: Could not find 'firefox' executable".

      Why not. I told it where it was. All I can think of doing at this point is to reboot, although I'm not being told anywhere that I need to.


        Re: thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

        Close and open T-Bird, and re-boot, yes, usually to get changes to go.
        Maybe the Mozilla site has something that applies ... ?
        Sorry I'm not more help.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: thunderbird 3 email links not click-responsive

          I've found a solution to make my Thunderbird 3.0 to launch Chromium browser, perhaps it can be applied to Firefox too, for your reference:

          edit > preferences > applications >

          look for "http" and "html documents"

          manually reset the program path to your Firefox launcher script's location, ie. "/usr/bin/firefox" or in my case "/usr/bin/chromium-browser"
          If the "Content Type: http" is not there, try :

          edit > preferences > applications > advanced > config editor

          look for :


          Set both values to "true"

          You could also try force it to open in firefox by config editor settings:

