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KDE desktop screwed up

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    KDE desktop screwed up

    I have been using Kontact on Ubuntu 9.10. I thought I would take the next step and installed desktop.

    Apart from finding the environment a little strange Kontact would no longer work. It would start to load but then fail although the system thought it was running. Tried deinstalling and reinstalling without success. How can I get it running OR how do I get my data out?

    Re: KDE desktop screwed up

    I do not understand fully what you mean, so just a few thoughts.
    - What desktop you need to install, can you explain that? Plasma should be installed before you start to deal with programs.
    - If uninstalling is not enough, try purging. It's an option in Synaptic. It means uninstall and delete configuration files. Your data could be lost during that operation.
    - Maybe Kontact data should be somewhere in the dictionary ~/.kde. It's a hidden dictionary, you need to use an option Show hidden files in Dolphin.
    Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


      Re: KDE desktop screwed up

      KDE desktop way too garish! And could just not get Kontact working. I successfully got back to gnome desktop and purged all the unnecessary files. Purged all the KDEPIM files restarted and tried reinstalling to get Kontact working. No luck and none of the modules do either. I had just complete my migration from evolution and Outlook. This is on 2 machines both upgraded and now both reversed back to gnome.

      Everything else works fine.


        Re: KDE desktop screwed up

        A shot in the dark here: Might there be a problem starting the Akonadi server? KMail (not the full Kontact suite, but a component) used to disappear on me shortly after trying in vain to start the Akonadi server. Solution: I ran "akonaditray", right-clicked its tray icon, selected "Settings", went to the second tab, unchecked "Use internal MySQL server", clicked "Start", "Stop", re-checked "Use internal MySQL server", clicked "Start" again... something like that, anyway. Don't ask me why or if reverting to once-broken settings fixed anything, but Akonadi now runs and so does KMail. (But Nepomuk still won't. I'd rather do without that extra layer of complexity anyway, but don't know how to properly remove it.)

