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Disable Explosion desktop effect

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    Disable Explosion desktop effect

    Hi folks,
    I'm at my wits end. I tried turning on the explosion desktop effect and was notified that it couldn't be activated so you'll understand my suprise when my windows started exploding!
    The effect was still selected in the effects preferences so I tried deselecting it, but my windows still explode and i've checked the ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc file and the explosion effect is disabled in that too.

    Does anyone have any ideas how I can stop the explosions?
    Using Karmic (9.1 with KDE 4.3.2)

    Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

    Explosions can usually be contained with a big enough quantity of water. In the case of your computer I reckon a thimbleful in the right place might do it

    But the following might be of more use:

    Open and check your ~/.kde(4)/share/config/kwinrc for explosions...

    I wrote .kde(4) 'cos I am not sure whether kubuntu uses ~/.kde or ~/.kde4 these days.
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

      cheers for the advice. I placed the thimble of water, and forsight is a wonderful thing when you have it, precariously on the monitor but when I started typing it fell over and now my screen is all broken! but we can deal with that another day (read as "you will be getting the bill! )

      I've looked in that file and the only line I could find which sounds helpful to my problem is kwin4_effect_explosionEnabled=false. The "=false" implies to me there should be no more explosions, but still they occur (and now in my monitor too!)

      Any more for any more?



        Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

        Have you logged out and back in again?
        Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


          Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

          the explosion plug in has a dup , the other plugin is called fall apart. if that is enabled then you will get explosions.
          Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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            Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

            yes. Fall apart is indeed the effect which I thought was explosion. Funnily enough disabling that stopped the effect. Well done for having the insight to completely ignore me and solve a problem of stupid user!

            Cheers all


              Re: Disable Explosion desktop effect

              Originally posted by DangerPete
              Well done for having the insight to completely ignore me and solve a problem of stupid user!
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
              (top of thread: thread tools)

