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32 bit 9.10 glitch. Panels/k menu wont appear.

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    32 bit 9.10 glitch. Panels/k menu wont appear.

    Hello. I recently installed kubuntu 9.10 to try it out, but I've come across a small problem. After installation completed, my panels, menus, and pretty much anything other then the back ground will not work. I'm wondering it its related to my computer itself? 9.04 and open SUSE 11.2 work completely fine. So I'm thinking its a fixable glitch? Thanks if anyone has a solution...

    Re: 32 bit 9.10 glitch. Panels/k menu wont appear.

    Plasma handles that stuff, and perhaps it's not starting or crashed.

    Hop to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in, and enter the following. (without the dollarsign)
    $ DISPLAY=:0 konsole &
    Now hop back to the graphical environment with Alt+F7, and there should be a Konsole waiting for you. Run plasma from it.
    $ plasma-desktop
    Make that plasma-netbook if you're running the netbook preview.

    Does it say anything of interest?
    KDE, I heart thee.


      Re: 32 bit 9.10 glitch. Panels/k menu wont appear.


      I just install Karmic 2 days ago, and had got more or less the same pb.
      It worked fine during a few hours, I even logged out/logged in 2 ou 3 times and rebooted once or twice,
      and then, this morning, it had this strange behaviour: PC boot OK, kdm display OK, I logged in with my user/pass OK, and at the start of session, just after the display of the KDE 4.3 splash screen (with the icons of hard disk drive, screwdriver, earth globe and KDE logo), and before any display of the KDE panel or background, the whole screen faded progressively to black (in 2 or 3 seconds). And then only the arrow of the mouse stayed visible.
      Alt-F2 still launches Krunner, but any other key or mouse click doesn't has any effect.
      I had to launch a konsole through Krunner or switch Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a console to halt/reboot the PC.
      And by the way, the plasma-desktop process was NOT running at that moment.

      Finally I tried to add a new user and logged in, and you know what ? This new user session had no longer the problem.

      Then I tried to delete the .kde and .qt subdirs in the home dir of my first user account.
      This is annoying because I lost all my desktop settings, but on the other hand .... it solves the problem !!

      I don't know where this pb comes from and what has triggered it, but it is in relation with some config files in the .kde or .qt subdir, and the plasma-desktop process which refuse to start properly because of those config files.

      Hoping that's help.

      Best regards,

