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knetworkmanager help

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    knetworkmanager help


    I am using kubuntu 9.10 with kde 4.3.4 and knetworkmanager 0.9. I use a wireless network with WPA(1) + TKIP.

    knetworkmanager crashed and now every time I boot or logout/in I have to delete the wireless connection and create a new one in order for it to connect.

    I tried to reinstall the knetworkmanager and networkbase packages but the problem keeps occuring.

    It is probably related to the configuration files, but I don't know where they are. I may need to reset the wpa supplicant files as well.

    If someone would please point out what files need to change/delete to completely reset network management, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Happy Holidays!

    Re: knetworkmanager help

    An old and still valid suggestion; install wicd and your wifi worries are over.


      Re: knetworkmanager help

      sadly if your wifi is encrypted the chances of knetworkmanager working correctly go down quite a bit...
      wicd is very nice. be sure to if you decide to install wicd go to
      System Settings -> Advanced ->Hardware
      and change you network backend to WICD as well then apply
      also after install to get the applet run
      [code=run in krunner (alt+f2)]wicd-client[/code]
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