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KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

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    Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

    My ISO and burned CD passed the md5sum checks. The first time I tried to boot the 64bit LL LiveCD it gave me a name and password login screen. I rebooted it and the desktop came up automatically.

    The second thing I noticed was that my
    00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)
    sound chip wasn't recognized correctly. KMixer did not offer all the settings in KDE 4.4 that it does in 4.3.4, so I have only a Microphone input. No Line or CD input, no PCM controls.

    Stellarium didn't display any stars, but the config screens were now readable. Kpackagekit told me that 64 security patches and app updates were available for installation. I ran them but after they downloaded and attempted to install it crashed on trying to replace konq-l10n-plugins. It recommended installing the "advanced package manager Synaptic". When I installed and ran Synaptic it didn't see any updates except for konq-l10n-plugins but it couldn't install it because of missing dependencies.

    plasmoids would randomly crash and/or disappear, but reinstalling them brings everything back.

    Can't install apps in the system tray directly but there is an applet that contains most utilities that should be in the tray and when you check their button they appear in the tray.

    NetworkManager would not activate my
    05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100
    wireless chip, even though I could scan, see it, and select it, and add the password. So, I removed it and installed wicd, which allowed me to connect to my wireless. Without an eth0 cable from the back of the wireless I would not have been able to download synaptic and wicd.

    I am now running LL from a LiveUSB, from the LiveDVD I created this afternoon, 12/23/09. Stellarium now gives readable configuration windows. Unfortunately, it doesn't show any stars!
    FF, TB, and Skype 2.1 works perfectly
    KMix still does not show my Line In, cdrom or pcm, so it is not working as well as it did in 9.04 and 9.10.

    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

      I have the same problem as Oblivion, plasma-desktop won`t start. I must every time start it manually.


        Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

        The only issues I noticed initially was my taskbar and folder view plasmoids were duplicated and the desktop pager had disappeared. All quickly fixed.

        Once I read through this thread, I checked if I had the same problems (where I could).

        Amarok: Crashed first time. Worked since, no issues.

        Kopete: Crashed every time upon launch. I removed the facebook plug-in using KpacageKit and it works fine now. I verified that it was the problem by installing and removing the plug-in again. Try this if your having problems.

        My larger concern is the lack of a debug package for kopete in the repository. I couldn't file a bug report with Dr. Konqi.

        Composting works fine, Screen rotation work fine.

        The small list and text boxes in dialogs are weird. I also noted the absence of sound configuration in System Settings.

        I haven't used the Plasma Desktop on my netbook yet but that's on the todo list.

        I'd like to start a things you like about KDE 4.4 beta thread because I'm loving it. Reading through just this thread, I've discovered a few features I hadn't known about. I believe if we started talking about the improvements, we'll all find a lot more reasons to like KDE.


          Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

          The KDE 4.4 is strill in development, as everyone knows, but I will defintely REINSTALL FROM SCRATCH when Lucid Lynx goes Gold in April. What I've seen of 4.4 is too god NOT to move to it when they get the bugs hammered out.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

            yea 4.4 is going to be nice... aside from some crashes here and there and slight annoyances its not so bad right now.
            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
            (top of thread: thread tools)


              Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

              Originally posted by oblivion

              1. On both systems, I have encountered the same problem: After I log in as a user, the desktop "fades in" to a pitch black desktop. But the mouse pointer and application windows (via krunner ALT+F2) are perfectly visible and window compositing is enabled, so I believe this is not a driver issue. Has anyone encountered the same problem ?
              I have the same problem with two netbook installs! How can I get the desktop back?


                Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                Originally posted by gotaug
                Originally posted by oblivion

                1. On both systems, I have encountered the same problem: After I log in as a user, the desktop "fades in" to a pitch black desktop. But the mouse pointer and application windows (via krunner ALT+F2) are perfectly visible and window compositing is enabled, so I believe this is not a driver issue. Has anyone encountered the same problem ?
                I have the same problem with two netbook installs! How can I get the desktop back?
                I've found a solution (or let's say a workaround) for this problem. It worked form me, I hope it'll work for you too.

                Step 1: First of all, please check if you have installed kubuntu-desktop. If not, open the KRunner via ALT+F2 and run "Konsole" from there and then install the kubuntu desktop via apt-get:

                sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

                Step 2: Now you should manually run the netbook or standard desktop plasma workspace. Go to "System Settings->Desktop Settings->Workspace" and there switch the form factor to either "netbook" or "desktop". This should "run" the specified desktop/netbook workspace. KDE sometimes crashes at this point, so if it does, then try the Step 2 again.

                On netbook workspace, as I mentioned before, all the windows are maximized/borderless/titleless and there is no user friendly way to revert this (not yet). But, you can solve this by editing one of the kwin preferences files at /home/yourusername/.kde/share/config/ location. I'm sorry I can't remember the name of that kwin config file now, but as fas as I can remember, it was the one represented not with a text file icon but with a HTML icon in Dolphin. So, just open dolphin, from the "view" menu select "show hidden files" and then go to "/home/yourusername/.kde/share/config/" location. Find that kwin configuration file (which is main Kwin config file). And "open with" Kate. İn that file, you have to find a key that says something like, for example "forceallwindowmaximized=true" (sorry, I can't remember it). Just set it to "false". then save it and you'll have your window borders,title etc. again.

                One thing I've noticed about the KDE 4.4 netbook is that it is fast. I mean, the interface is very very responsive. I'm really impressed by the performance gain. All the animations are smooth, applications open fast etc. It seems that KDE developers have done a really good job there. But we have to remember that this is only a BETA release and prone to crash. KWin crashes randomly and KNetworkManager always crashes when I try to end seesion/restart/Shutdown (on my netbooks).


                  Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                  i have fixed amarok , aparently it was the Ultimate lyrics script that crashed it. removing the folder
                  ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/Ultimate Lyrics caused amarok to start up on my next attempt.

                  any one else w/ kde 4.4 beta 2 who has an issue w/ amarok crashing please check to see if you installed ultimate lyrics if so remove it folder.
                  also upgraded to beta 2
                  Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                  (top of thread: thread tools)


                    Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                    Originally posted by sithlord48

                    i have fixed amarok , aparently it was the Ultimate lyrics script that crashed it. removing the folder
                    ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/Ultimate Lyrics caused amarok to start up on my next attempt.

                    any one else w/ kde 4.4 beta 2 who has an issue w/ amarok crashing please check to see if you installed ultimate lyrics if so remove it folder.
                    also upgraded to beta 2
                    Thanks for the tip!
                    ​"Keep it between the ditches"
                    K*Digest Blog
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                      Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                      that amarok issues is also present w/ kde 4.4 beta 1

                      @dequire no problem

                      i have just started to fiddle w/ seperate activities for each desktop. now if i could only get them set up(its an issue of not knowing what to use each one for atm). that is one hell of a useful feature, glad to see it working correctly in the 4.4 beta series
                      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                      (top of thread: thread tools)


                        Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                        Originally posted by oblivion
                        First of all, sorry for my English.

                        Well, I know that this is just a BETA release of what is to become KDE 4.4, but there are a couple of frustrating things about it. I have installed KDE 4.4 beta on two very different configurations: One, on a desktop PC (with Phenom X2) and the other on a Asus EEE PC 900 netbook.

                        1. On both systems, I have encountered the same problem: After I log in as a user, the desktop "fades in" to a pitch black desktop. But the mouse pointer and application windows (via krunner ALT+F2) are perfectly visible and window compositing is enabled, so I believe this is not a driver issue. Has anyone encountered the same problem ?

                        2. IMHO, the most frustrating part of kde 4.4 is about new netbook dektop. I've been using kubuntu netbook edition since it's beta stage, and I knew the netbook desktop was only a technical preview. Yet it was very stable, fast and easy to use. Actually I am very fond of it and I really appreciate the effort of KDE developers working on netbook branch. But what I see on KDE 4.4 made me worry about it. I found it rather annoying, because:

                        - When I switched to the netbook desktop, I found that every single window (yes even the KdeSudo and other dialogs) is forced to maximize/fullscreen.

                        - Windows have no window decoration (!!), no titlebar, no size grip, etc anymore (because they run as maximized windows)...

                        - The application category icons on the desktop does not fit into a row anymore (). A standard netbook screen is 1024X600 right? I don't now how the hell did they managed that (the older plasma netbook version was able to fit them into a row).

                        Now, what the heck are these ? > Even from the start, most people have been complaining about the maximized windows on UNR (Ubuntu Netbook Remix) and that it seems the KDE netbook desktop developers misunderstood those complaints. Actually, I don't want the use my netbook with a window per desktop. It is also ugly looking. A maximized kdesudo (or,say, desktop settings) dialog is really no eyecandy and has no benefit for the user. Besides, KDE is all about flexibility, they could have put a switch for that (I couldn't find any!) on the desktop setting preferences and let me decide that if I want to use all my windows maximize and borderless, etc..
                        It seems that I will stick to the old one for a long while...

                        Why are you apologising for your English? It is a lot better than many native speakers!!


                          Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                          2 Questions:

                          1) In Beta1 tabbed windows was introduced. It seemed to work quite well. In Beta2 I am able to group windows together, but after one tab switch the windows become unusable. Clicking on the tab bar actually passes the clicks to applications below as if the tab bar doesn't exist. The applications themselves stop functioning and have to be killed (or at least that is the only way I can figure out how to deal with the problem). Anyone else experience this and/or have a solution?

                          2) I like the idea of the new tiles windows. However, as I have 2 monitors set up side by side I find myself only able to tile a window on the left side of the left monitor or the right side of the right monitor. My set up does allow maximization on individual windows. Is there any other way to tile other than pushing against the edge to tile next to?


                            Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                            Originally posted by scotths

                            1) In Beta1 tabbed windows was introduced. It seemed to work quite well. In Beta2 I am able to group windows together, but after one tab switch the windows become unusable. Clicking on the tab bar actually passes the clicks to applications below as if the tab bar doesn't exist. The applications themselves stop functioning and have to be killed (or at least that is the only way I can figure out how to deal with the problem). Anyone else experience this and/or have a solution?
                            have not noticed this issue on my computer , but i only had tabs on for a few mins.

                            Originally posted by scotths
                            2) I like the idea of the new tiles windows. However, as I have 2 monitors set up side by side I find myself only able to tile a window on the left side of the left monitor or the right side of the right monitor. My set up does allow maximization on individual windows. Is there any other way to tile other than pushing against the edge to tile next to?
                            i disabled my second monitor,but have you tried seperate activites for each desktop ? (enabled via System settings-> desktop -> multi-desktops) perhaps that will help , or if you have it set as one large desktop span i could see that also causing your issue.
                            Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
                            (top of thread: thread tools)


                              Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                              I have a slew of bugs in a generally working second beta.

                              -- Device Notifier widget: when displaying all devices (rather than just removable media), the widget does not seem to report the correct reason some filesystems can't be unmounted. Instead of saying something to the effect of "you must be root" or "fstab says you mustn't do this", it claims it can't do this because there's a file open in some application somewhere (even for completely unused volumes).

                              -- Device Notifier widget: instead of mounting and opening the partition my SuSE installation uses for /home, it just runs Dolphin (which then displays its default starting location).

                              -- Quick Access widget: when I click on a link to a directory, and the linked directory is not empty, the plasma desktop crashes.

                              -- Dolphin: when I drag a file's icon over a link to a directory and hover over the link to auto-enter it (I have that option set in Dolphin's settings), Dolphin crashes. (May be related to the previous bug?)

                              -- Nepomuk: Doesn't start, says I have to install Virtuoso.

                              -- Suspend to RAM: the Plasma desktop likes to crash after resuming from suspend.

                              -- Suspend to RAM: after resuming, the computer often goes right back to suspend (but only once).

                              -- "Add widgets" widget: can't activate it through "right-click -> Add widgets..." on a control panel, must use the alien embryo (= the cashew)

                              -- "Add widgets" widget: Non-short widget names are cut off.

                              --Traditional K-menu: the "Computer" submenu still does not show the correct entries for places and removable media. Its "places" category shows places interspersed with removable media, and its "removable media" category shows places (which don't react to clicks).

                              -- Facebook widget: doesn't work; says it can't open the package facebook.

                              -- When plasma ..objects.. such as the Kickoff menu or the control panel settings pane scroll out of and later back into the control panel, they leave behind debris. The scrolling is also a tad slow and jerky.

                              -- The background of the "Air"-themed KDE splash screen briefly appears before the KDM login screen, even when the splash screen is not used.

                              That's what comes to mind now. Should bugs be reported at Launchpad or Or not at all?


                                Re: KDE 4.4 Beta Bugs & Issues.

                                Originally posted by abalone
                                That's what comes to mind now. Should bugs be reported at Launchpad or Or not at all?
                                I would wait until RC1, which should hopefully hit the ppas within days. It was released earlier today (Jan 8) (announcement).

                                [23:03] <Riddell> it'll go in the beta PPA
                                If the issues persist, file them at, unless they are obvious packaging bugs.
                                KDE, I heart thee.

