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audio error driving me nuts

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    audio error driving me nuts

    every time i boot i get nvidia analog audio broken falling back to nvidia digital and it does not play opening music
    when i go into settings and test the audio the analog works fine and the digital does not.

    all audio for playing movies and mp3's works fine except for the opening music

    these are the error logs
    process pulseaudio ( 1881) alsa-mixer.c: Your kernel driver is broken: it reports a volume range from -128.00 dB to -128.00 dB which makes no sense.
    process kernel [ 33.001019] Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -73705558 ns)

    Re: audio error driving me nuts

    Intel sound and Amarok broken...?

    I get this message when I load amarock and no sound comes from the program. However firefox/youtube, kdenlive all work with sound.
    Attached Files


      Re: audio error driving me nuts

      In your sound preferences, move PulseAudio to the top, and assign the list to everything.

      Open up System Settings, and on the bottom right click on "Multimedia".
      Click on PulseAudio, then on the bottom right of the window click "prefer" until PulseAudio is on top.
      On the bottom left of the window, click "Apply Device List to...", and in the dialog box make sure all options are checked.
      Click "Ok" in the dialog box.
      Click "Apply" in the bottom right corner of the config window.

      You're done .
      The Universe is a figment of its own imagination.<br /><br />-Douglas Adams


        Re: audio error driving me nuts

        I tried it and It still does not work and I get this error...
        Attached Files


          Re: audio error driving me nuts

          I noticed that phonon does not work inside Gwenview either... not sure what to do.


            Re: audio error driving me nuts

            The other option is to abandon pulseaudio altogether. In kpackagekit you can search for pulseaudio and then uninstall any packages you have. I use xine instead and my sound works fine. Every system is different, though. But if you're going insane it may be worth a shot.


              Re: audio error driving me nuts

              I don't think Pulseaudio and Xine are mutually exclusive. I've tried using Pulseaudio on KDE before, and in the phonon backend configuration, Xine is still the only option. Pulseaudio appears as a device instead. So I think what happens is sound ends up going through a pipeline which includes pulseaudio, xine and phonon in some order.


                Re: audio error driving me nuts

                Maybe use GStreamer Phonon backend instead of Xine? I don't know.

                You can install the GStreamer backend from the repositories.
                The Universe is a figment of its own imagination.<br /><br />-Douglas Adams


                  Re: audio error driving me nuts

                  Yes, I have the gstreamer phonon backend installed as well, but I'm not sure how necessary it is. Sound in linux is still pretty confusing to me.


                    Re: audio error driving me nuts

                    err what should I do? Now I am really confused...


                      Re: audio error driving me nuts

                      I think since the error that is bothering you says pulseaudio is the problem then you should try removing pulseaudio and find out what happens. It's easy to reinstall it if you need to. You can then install phonon-backend-xine (forget gstreamer for now)....and see what happens.


                        Re: audio error driving me nuts

                        How do I do that?


                          Re: audio error driving me nuts

                          Open kpackagekit and search for pulseaudio. Uninstall any packages that are already installed. (You may want to note which ones you uninstall in case you want to reinstall them in the future.)

                          Then do a search for xine. You should install libxine1 (it's described as a meta-package). You'll also want phonon-backend-xine. Install libxine1-ffmpeg which should give you mp3 playback and other goodies for amarok. There may be other helpful packages here, but I think these are the basics.

                          Then go into your System Settings, Multimedia, and on the Backends tab put Xine at the top of the list. You may want/need to reboot somewhere along this process (after installing the packages or after setting Xine as your backend).

                          As I said before, there should be little risk involved here. You can always reinstall any pulseaudio packages. But this is the setup I use and I have no sound problems at the moment.


                            Re: audio error driving me nuts

                            There are a lot of dependencies that will be uninstalled when I try to remove pulse.... are there other options?


                              Re: audio error driving me nuts

                              the big thing is i don't want to break kdenlive.... i don't know how it affects other programs.... sigh

