I've just started using Kontact, and have a problem with its feedreader loading duplicate copies of the items in my feeds. This is alarming, and I don't know how to stop it or clean up the mess. In one day I have acquired 756 unread feed items. Uh....an update: 1220 copies. Of a number of items I now have FIVE duplicate copies. What the heck is this thing doing
?? How do I get it to stop. How can I purge the duplicates easily??
I've searched the forums, and Google, and am not coming up with anything useful.
Update: Have just discovered that this is happening ONLY with FeedZilla feeds. Don't know what this means or how to respond, however...
Any suggestions?

I've searched the forums, and Google, and am not coming up with anything useful.
Update: Have just discovered that this is happening ONLY with FeedZilla feeds. Don't know what this means or how to respond, however...
Any suggestions?