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Konqueror is Misbehaving

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    Konqueror is Misbehaving

    I'm using KDE 3.5.10 with Ubuntu 9.10, and Konqueror is acting as if it doesn't know its job. It does fine work as a file manager, but when I ask it to work as a web browser, it gets confused. It will load up any URL I put into the address bar, but if I click on a link, it asks whether I want to open the target's source in kate, or save it.

    So... has anyone here seen this before? How can I correct it?


    Re: Konqueror is Misbehaving

    I use firefox but here's how you fix it.

    Go to Computer --> System Settings --> Default Applications and set it in there.

    Hope this helps -

    we see things not as they are, but as we are.
    -- anais nin


      Re: Konqueror is Misbehaving

      wizard10000 - thanks, but that didn't do it.

      The same versions of KDE and Ubuntu work well together in another system I have, so I'm not thinking incompatibility. I suspect that something deep in the bowels of the system is missing or left unselected, or some such thing.

      I use Firefox, too, so this isn't really a serious issue for me, except that when something fails to work properly, the mystery just must be solved!

