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KDE 4.3.3 packages out-of-sync with QT version

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    KDE 4.3.3 packages out-of-sync with QT version

    [ftp][/ftp]Does anyone know when this bug will be fixed? ( I'm the bug submitter )

    The packages currently affected include systemsettings, ( Clicking on "System Settings"->"Multimedia" results in a "crash" ( symbol lookup error) )
    Amarok, ( Amarok will not even launch ) digiKam and probably many others that reference /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/ and/or the _ZN9QHashData13detach_helperEPFvPNS_4NodeEPvEPFvS1 _Ei symbol.

    I'm not familiar with the guts of KDE, but I am familiar with building packages so perhaps someone could point the way in terms of recompiling/repackaging KDE -- I'd create a local repository although I have a PPA available if a significant amount of people are as irritated as I am concerning this bug.



    Re: KDE 4.3.3 packages out-of-sync with QT version

    Are you using qt 4.6~rc1? It's binary incompatible with kde packages compiled against older qt versions (even with 4.6~beta), so it requires a rebuild of KDE...which is underway on lucid.

    If you're running karmic, I'd recommend downgrading to the qt version officially released in karmic repos. Since qt4.6 rc1 is only available through ppa (not official), it might take a while until it's solved (if at all, devs are probably busy with kde 4.3.4 and 4.4.0~beta1, which are due soon)


      Re: KDE 4.3.3 packages out-of-sync with QT version

      Downgrade the phonon-backend-xine package to the repo version, that seems to be enough to work around the issue. You'll have to forbid your package manager from updating it to the current experimental version, though.

      $ sudo aptitude install phonon-backend-xine=4:4.3.1-4ubuntu1
      $ sudo aptitude forbid-version phonon-backend-xine
      KDE, I heart thee.

