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I can move the Panel, but each login it moves itself back.

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    I can move the Panel, but each login it moves itself back.

    I only have a single panel, and I don't have it taking up the entire span of the monitor it's on. I have it on the top of my second monitor, which is a 1440x900 one; my other one (to the left) is 1280x1024. I'd like the panel to be in the middle of the monitor it's on, and not take up the entire span. You'd think this would be easy . . . but nope! I can move it or resize it, but it resets every time I log back in.

    Nothing else seems to move around, but admittedly my plasma desktop is fairly sparse (a few comics plasmoids populate the left screen, including one I coded, and then the Weather Forecast widget in the bottom-right corner of the right-hand monitor, and that's it; no other activities, since trying to use multiple activities just crashes for me).

    Anyone have any idea what's going on?

    Re: I can move the Panel, but each login it moves itself back.

    I've been able to change things in the /home/~/.kde/share/config/kickerrc file. Perhaps that is useful.


      Re: I can move the Panel, but each login it moves itself back.

      Here the plasma seems to get own will :P

      I'm using the plasma dashboard ( > Topic: How do you set up your Activities?) and it is working fine until the plasma can't read it's own configuration files.

      The plasma is saving the plasma setupt to the: ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc, plasma-desktop-appletsrc, plasma-desktoprc and plasmarc files.

      Now and then the plasma can't read the plasmoids location/size information so it starts to use somekind safe defaults.

      The plasma seems to save the information fine but it can't read part of the information again

      Only "fix" that i have found is to:

      1) stop the plasma:
      kquitapp plasma-desktop
      2) rename the plasma config files
      3) start the plasma desktop
      4) rebuild your plasma desktop
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information

