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stuck loading cache

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    stuck loading cache

    I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 - and I noticed the last couple of times I've used my computer that the icon in the bottom task tray has been stuck at "loading cache" when I put the mouse pointer over it...

    A week ago, it would come back quickly saying "you have 12 updates" - but the last few days it never seems to get past "loading cache".

    Can someone please help me to fix this ? I'm new to Linux, so please be detailed - and respond like you're talking to a 5 year old. haha


    Re: stuck loading cache

    Can you do a manual upgrade?

    start the program Konsole and type (do not include "$", this symbolizes the "command prompt"):

    $ sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade

    Please tell us if this outputs an error or (somehow) solves your problem.
    Once your problem is solved please edit the first post of your topic and add [SOLVED] in front of the subject. In that way, others can benefit from your experience!


      Re: stuck loading cache

      Thanks for your response!

      I was able to do a manual update, but I'll have to check tomorrow to see if the machine can do them automatically - that's a nice feature that I hope is working ok..

      I'll post again after that

