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fresh install, a few questions

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    fresh install, a few questions

    I'm new to kubuntu (or better: I'm new to kde!), before posting I've tries searching but...I still have some problems

    -fonts in general are not very nice ( when compared to ubuntu karmic (that I use) and mandriva kde 2010 (tested via live cd)), and in particular in Firefox a text is quite hard to read...moreover sometimes fonts are huge, some other times are too tiny! Fonts are particularly bad in gmail

    -do you suggest enabling antialiasing? with which settings? should I force fonts dpi?

    -could you suggest a few steps to change the default layout? it's not very nice IMHO..

    -the kubuntu installation has modified my Grub2 and now the default system is kubuntu (and no longer ubuntu): how do I change the boot sequence with grub2? (no more menu.lst!)

    -some 3D effects can not be enabled (ex looking glass, sharpen, ...). Any solution?

    -stupid question: how do I change the default mouse arrow?? it's really ugly..


    edit: after changing a setting a reboot was required

    Re: fresh install, a few question

    Originally posted by plutus
    -stupid question: how do I change the default mouse arrow?? it's really ugly..
    K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse -> Mouse -> Cursor Theme


      Re: fresh install, a few question



        Re: fresh install, a few questions

        I doubt there is a big difference in the set of fonds used in Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu.
        But as you are running both why not check out the system settings in both and change accordingly?

        A lot of people prefer the familiar look of the MScorefonts, install ttf-mscorefonts from the multiverse repro's. Google will offer you many hints.

        The font size in Firefox is a separate theme, you can edit it within Firefox but often it's enough to use the familiar CTRL+ (- or+ or scrollwheel) to get it right.

        If you feel anti-aliasing is an option, try it out!
        I have mine set to 'System'.
        Depending on the screen size and resolution you could force a dpi, I have a 15.4" screen with 1680x1050 resolution and set it to 96dpi.

        I don't know what part of the layout offends your taste but there are a zillion options in the system settings, notably the many theme's to chose from.

        I still use the old grub but a carefull search string in Google will give you all the help needed. one example:
        It boils down to that you edit the file /etc/default/grub and then regenerate /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

        Your issues with the disabled 3D options might have to do with lacking support on your hard/firmware, what is the spec of your video card?


          Re: fresh install, a few questions

          ok I solved almost all the problems! the point is that apparently a reboot is required at every setting gnome I just needed to restart X

          one further question: how can I use the mouse wheel in the shortcuts settings? For example, the Magnifier effect would be nice with the combination meta+mouse_scroll_wheel but apparently this last is quite ignored when configuring the key combination...

