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[SOLVED] Dolphin wont open!

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    [SOLVED] Dolphin wont open!

    hello y'all,
    yesterday I was trying to transfer some music from my mp3 player and it died mid transfer(the mp3 player) , afterwards I got it running again and transferred the files, how ever now when I try to open files from the quick access browser it seems to open an icon appears on the taskbar, but it never opens! I just tried to open it from the konsole and got this message:
    <unknown program name>(15730)/: Communication problem with "dolphin" , it probably crashed.
    Error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." "
    any ideas?
    I only just started to like it as well!!! after ignoring it for the past few years in favour of konqueror!!!

    Re: Dolphin wont open!

    A failure to open a single (previously problematic) USB device is not a great test of Dolphin's functions. Is there a problem with Dolphin opening files on your hard disk drive? Do you have any other USB storage devices that you could use to test it?

    How about Konqueror -- does it open that music player?

    If you think there really is some problem with Dolphin, you can remove/purge it and reinstall it thusly:
    sudo apt-get remove --purge dolphin
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dolphin
    But I suspect there's something else going on, not related to dolphin.


      Re: Dolphin wont open!

      You should also try renaming (or deleting) dolphin's config file in case it has gotten mangled somehow:
      mv ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc.bak


        Re: Dolphin wont open!

        thanx for the quick response,
        I was thinking about just uninstalling in then re-instaling it
        but no the problem wasnt opening the mp3 player!, its that it just wont open at all now! I was just saying about the mp3 because thats what happened just before it wouldnt work, in case it ment any thing, ya know!
        I think I just remove then reinstall it
        ps the out put i posted was me just running dolphin from the terminal, not trying to open a file, just running dolphin
        pps if I try to remove dolphin it also want to remove kubuntu-desktop:
        The following packages will be REMOVED
        dolphin* kubuntu-desktop*
        should I do it or not?
        I also tried:
        mv ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc.bak
        and its still the same! wont open!!!


          Re: Dolphin wont open!

          "Hmmmmmmmm" is right!

          It might be OK to let it remove kubuntu-desktop, if that is just the meta-package name. Better look at the package details for kubuntu-desktop -- when you install it, it brings in the entire Kubuntu suite, and you certainly do not want to rip it all out just to fix Dolphin. But it might not work the same in reverse -- sometimes the meta-package "wrapper" is all that is removed. Be careful!


            Re: Dolphin wont open!

            It won't remove anything essential, just the kubuntu-desktop metapackage, which you can (and should) install back afterwards.

            Remember to try renaming the config file if reinstallation won't fix the issue.


              Re: Dolphin wont open!

              stil nothing, I just sudo apt-get remove -purge dolphin, then re-installed dophin and kubuntu-desktop, and its still the same! I have already tried to rename the config file!!!!!!!! humph


                Re: Dolphin wont open!

                Yeah, I was kinda afraid of that. I'll speculate that the actual problem is in the "policykit" domain, but beyond that I can't give you much more.


                  Re: Dolphin wont open!

                  so what can I do about that then!


                    Re: Dolphin wont open!

                    is the only answer a re-install? I can do it but I would rather not if possible!!!


                      Re: Dolphin wont open!

                      Originally posted by katoiam
                      is the only answer a re-install? I can do it but I would rather not if possible!!!
                      Re-installation seems a bit extreme at this point.

                      You could try creating a new user and check if the issue is there for the new user. This will tell whether it's a system issue or a configuration issue (in which case it's just a problem of finding the offending config file...or as a last resort, administer the "amputation" cure by renaming ~/.kde).


                        Re: Dolphin wont open!

                        so I made a new user and dolphin works fine! So whats my next step? To find the dodgy config file!


                          Re: Dolphin wont open!

                          Originally posted by katoiam
                          So whats my next step? To find the dodgy config file!
                          Yes, but that could be tricky in case the underlying problem is not dolphin.

                          Still, I'd first rename (you can delete them later if you wish, or if it doesn't fix it rename them back) both ~/.kde/share/config/dolphinrc (file) and ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin (directory).

                          If that doesn't work I'd next rename ~/.dbus (directory)

                          Then I'd rename the whole ~/.kde/share/config (directory)

                          Report back with any results.


                            Re: Dolphin wont open!

                            so i renamed ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin and now its working, hooray thans guys

