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K3b rip problem

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    K3b rip problem

    I have a new install of 9.10 and I've installed 'all' the restricted additional packages. I am trying to create a backup of legally owned DVDs. I want .avi files as they are a safe backup and they run with much less battery wear on a laptop than spinning the DVD.

    K9Copy works great for most of them, but on several it just stops. I ran it from a terminal and I get a message about non-interleaved files. This happens between 40% and 90% of ripping, usually.

    I tried using K3b, the rip DVD option and it does nothing at all. Just shows me the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS folders and sits there with the two little circles spinning. Running it under a terminal gives no messages that help.

    Have I missed installing something for K3b? Does anyone else have issues with K9Copy?
    An old mainframer trying to get modern in his retirement.

    Re: K3b rip problem


    I have the same issue - although I must confess that I also had this under 9.04 and never fixed it... Didn't really need it back then, but could do with using it now.

    I've searched Google for all sorts of things, but can't find any answers yet. I'm sure that it's to do with the back-end tools and their permissions somehow but haven't solved it just yet.

    Will keep plugging away, and if I work it out, will let you know.




      Re: K3b rip problem

      I haven't done any ripping for a long while, but as I recall you need the packages libdvdcss2 and libdvdread4.

