Under 9.04 there was a nifty and handy GRUB utility that let you set various stuff for GRUB.
For example, I could set the splash screen.
It was accessed through:\
"System Settings->Advanced->"
don't remember the exact name on the Advanced screen.
Is that utility still available??
If so where?
I know I can edit "menu.lst", but the utility was such a handy way to do the job and I didn't have to go and re-read the GRUB docs and learn new configuration file commands, etc.
For example, I could set the splash screen.
It was accessed through:\
"System Settings->Advanced->"
don't remember the exact name on the Advanced screen.
Is that utility still available??
If so where?
I know I can edit "menu.lst", but the utility was such a handy way to do the job and I didn't have to go and re-read the GRUB docs and learn new configuration file commands, etc.