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[Solved]Clock Cut Off.... ergg

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    [Solved]Clock Cut Off.... ergg

    The digital clock on the taskbar panel shows 1:03 when I hover the mouse over it says with a pop up 11:03 which is the actual time.

    How can I fix this funny issue?

    Re: Clock Cut Off.... ergg

    Am I the only one that has this issue? my screen size is 1920 by 1200 so I have plenty of screen space. It it was like this from the start of the fresh kubuntu install.


      Re: Clock Cut Off.... ergg

      I'm not sure of the problem from your description. Can you post a screenshot?

      I am guessing the font size exceeds available space in the panel applet. My Karmic install did not have this problem.
      • Right-click the clock
      • Select Configure clock
      • Change the font to something smaller
      • Apply the changes (just click Ok)

      Report back your results when done.
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        Re: Clock Cut Off.... ergg

        Originally posted by wrender
        The digital clock on the taskbar panel shows 1:03 when I hover the mouse over it says with a pop up 11:03 which is the actual time.

        How can I fix this funny issue?
        It appears that the first "1" is being cut off because your clock display doesn't have enough width to display the complete time.

        So, either reduce the size of your font, or expand the size of your panel. Need help in how to do that?
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: Clock Cut Off.... ergg

          The other thing to check is if your timezone is set correctly.


            Re: Clock Cut Off.... ergg

            If you unlock the pannel and click the cashew and adust the height of it.....

            you can fix it so the clock is not cut off anymore. It seems that by default it is sitting on a magical height value that causes the clock to get cut of at the front. 8)

