As I usually have about 5 OS's installed I usually install grub on each one , then add an entry in the working grub to access each partition
(This is from grub1)
root (hd0,7)
configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
(this is because I have had issues with uuid and other distros.And I kind of like each distro having its own grub menu.lst...
If I try the above on Karmic (grub2) I get various errors (due to grub2 changes)
I notice that the above does work on a grub 2 partition (changing menu.lst to grub.conf)
How to I boot into another grub (grub 1) partition now from the grub2 menu ?
i.e : I want to load the grub config on that partition not just add an entry to the default grub (Kubuntu's) conf
As I usually have about 5 OS's installed I usually install grub on each one , then add an entry in the working grub to access each partition
(This is from grub1)
root (hd0,7)
configfile /boot/grub/menu.lst
(this is because I have had issues with uuid and other distros.And I kind of like each distro having its own grub menu.lst...
If I try the above on Karmic (grub2) I get various errors (due to grub2 changes)
I notice that the above does work on a grub 2 partition (changing menu.lst to grub.conf)
How to I boot into another grub (grub 1) partition now from the grub2 menu ?
i.e : I want to load the grub config on that partition not just add an entry to the default grub (Kubuntu's) conf