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KARMIC RC TRASHED MY SYSTEM (because I'm an idiot).

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    KARMIC RC TRASHED MY SYSTEM (because I'm an idiot).

    So during the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 RC the installer crashed about 3/4 way through (actually it was the kdesudo app I believe, if that was possible/makes sense).

    The SMART thing to do would have been to remove the lock on var/whatever and probably run a dpkg --configure -a or the like, and move on with my life. BUT NO, I was cranky because I hadn't had my coffee yet and didn't feel like searching here for how to remove that lock, so like a complete moron I just rebooted. Well, the boot got to an fstab error for swap and got stuck there.

    So that is a pretty tough one to recover from since I couldn't boot into a commandline or anything... a LiveCD could maybe have helped, but heck, my system has been so hacked together I just decided to install fresh to another partition and keep my old partition with my data intact so I could deal with that later.

    Not sure what my point is here... other than to advise anyone else to go get that cup of coffee before you make snap decisions when a problem arises...

    Anyway, WIRELESS WORKED OUT-OF-THE-BOX to WPA2!!! SWEEEEEEEEET. This release is looking very nice. [Edit: With NetworkManager... didn't even have to install Wicd... that is a first]

    Re: KARMIC RC TRASHED MY SYSTEM (because I'm an idiot).

    Mehhh -- there's been a lot of that going around. I've always had better luck just installing whichever Alpha is available from the daily builds, when I decide to jump the upcoming version.

    I do have not one but two bootable USB sticks, with Linux systems ready to go, just in case I pull a similar stunt here. :P


      Re: KARMIC RC TRASHED MY SYSTEM (because I'm an idiot).

      I had something similar happen, except mine crashed right at the end (python crashed). My MBR also got hosed in teh process!

      This was the second attempt at an upgrade. First time, the upgrade app got hung truing to upgrade bind9. I was able to restore a clonezill aimage I had made earlier, without problem. Second time (after removing bind form the system, I wasn't really using it), the installer got all the way through, and crashed on the "cleaning up" step. wouldn't boot after that. even after restoring the image, no boot, not even grub! my BOIS just sat on "Boot from CD:".

      Booted to 9.04 live cd, chroot-ed to my root fs, reinstalled grub (completely, using apt. grub-install wouldn't go, neither would the normal root(hd0,0) -> setup (hd0,0)), and I'm back up.

      I'll be upgrading from the alt CD is a couple of weeks...
      # make install --not-war


        Re: KARMIC RC TRASHED MY SYSTEM (because I'm an idiot).

        I feel your pain.
        A very similar things happened to me while upgrading to the latest version of 9.10 Beta. the installer thingie was doing something - whatever installers are supposed to do, but it did not tell me that it was doing something. I just had a black screen! Doesn't that sound familiar? Black screen, nothing happening.
        Well, in my case something WAS going on without the installer bothering to tell me.
        So, because of bad experiences with previous Beta updates, I became impatient and rebooted.

        No joy rebooting.

        Fortunately, I have a Super Grub CD. With it I could bot into 9.04 and work from there on the botched update. Booted into a command line recovery, did the dpkg --confugre -a thing and so on.
        It worked - for one boot.

        So, I did a clean install from scratch.

        Now things are looking good again, except for the tiny, tiny horrible fonts my nvidia card presents to me.
        Also fixed.

        Throught the entire ordeal my WICD did not fail. Always worked right 'out of the box' despite all the negatives that I have read about wicd in other posts. Mine works.

        Originally posted by kjjjjshab
        So during the upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 RC the installer crashed about 3/4 way through . . .

        The SMART thing to do would have been to remove the lock on var/whatever and probably run a dpkg --configure -a or the like, and move on with my life. BUT NO, I was cranky because I hadn't had my coffee yet and didn't feel like searching here for how to remove that lock, so like a complete moron I just rebooted.. . .

        Not sure what my point is here... other than to advise anyone else to go get that cup of coffee before you make snap decisions when a problem arises...

        Anyway, WIRELESS WORKED OUT-OF-THE-BOX to WPA2!!! SWEEEEEEEEET. This release is looking very nice. [Edit: With NetworkManager... didn't even have to install Wicd... that is a first]

