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Master volume muted

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    Master volume muted

    Hi all
    Just a small problem . Every time I boot into Karmic I find I have no volume . Kmix shows that master volume is muted and the volume to zero. Anyway of stopping this ?

    Re: Master volume muted

    The KDE and KDE applications are saving the settings to the ~/.kde/share/config when you log out. When you log in the applications are reading the settings from there. Sometimes, when the KDE application setting files are damaged the KDE can't save the settings or read them. In those cases it helps if you rename or move the original file or files. The KDE will write new setting files with the default values.

    The KMix is saving the settings to the kmixctrlrc and kmixrc. You could try to rename (or move) the ~/.kde/share/config/kmixctrlrc and the ~/.kde/share/config/kmixrc. Log out and log in. Any help ?

    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: Master volume muted

      Thanks Rog
      Moving kmixctrlrc and kmixrc did not work but renaming did

