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Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

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    Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

    I can not install the updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta.
    Message : Have no privilages to do this...
    For that matter i can not install , for exemple Firestarter, can it be fixed ?
    Linux for ever !

    Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

    Yes you should be able to fix this problem, after all the error message is unmistakable.

    But can you first clarify how you are attempting these updates, in other words which application generates the message?

    Updates should only be allowed with the correct Super User privileges and therefore the application should ask for your password.

    When you prefer to do the update from the command line you prepend the apt-get command with sudo:
    sudo apt-get update
    Next you're asked for the password and when the update is finished you should do:
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    (When the second command is done right after the first it does not ask for a new input of the password.)


      Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

      Originally posted by Teunis
      Yes you should be able to fix this problem, after all the error message is unmistakable.

      But can you first clarify how you are attempting these updates, in other words which application generates the message?

      Updates should only be allowed with the correct Super User privileges and therefore the application should ask for your password.

      When you prefer to do the update from the command line you prepend the apt-get command with sudo:
      sudo apt-get update
      Next you're asked for the password and when the update is finished you should do:
      sudo apt-get upgrade
      (When the second command is done right after the first it does not ask for a new input of the password.)

      Thank you for Your answer. Gonna try that.
      I was using in the info-button who indicate that there ware updates, i click on it, and i have the message when i marked all updates " No privileges "
      Than i used the packet-manager, same thing.
      I was wrong, gonna try it like You say.
      Let now if i am succeeded.
      Linux for ever !


        Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

        Succeeded Teunis, and again thank You for the advice.
        Kubuntu is a very nice KDE4, i am a Gnome-Fan, but i like the KDE4 more and more.
        Have a nice weekend,
        Linux for ever !


          Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

          Notice that once you update for the first time through the terminal thereafter update can be done as normal.

          btw this issue with beta version has been discussed before here only a few posts down.


            Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

            Good stuff!

            That notifier is part of Kpackagekit and to put it euphemistically it's still a work in progress


              Re: Updates in Kubuntu 9.10 Beta

              Ok, i must not wait long before the final is out. Until than, see what i can do, because i not succeeded to configure like i will.
              I have patience.
              Nice Sunday to all.
              Linux for ever !

