Crossposted from Ubuntu forums - maybe I can get some help here 
I've tried every readme I could get my hands on. Here are the errors I get -
kaffeine - Cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:/]
VLC - VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'.
xine - there is no input plugin to handle dvd:/
kubuntu-restricted-extras is installed as is libdvdcss2. Anybody got any ideas?
thanks -

I've tried every readme I could get my hands on. Here are the errors I get -
kaffeine - Cannot find input plugin for MRL [dvd:/]
VLC - VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'.
xine - there is no input plugin to handle dvd:/
kubuntu-restricted-extras is installed as is libdvdcss2. Anybody got any ideas?
thanks -