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[SOLVED] KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

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    [SOLVED] KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

    Did the upgrades last night. Shut down.

    Booted up this morning and after I put in my password on the logi screen and pressed the Enter Key the login screen remained, sans prompts, and no desktop appeared.

    Opened a console and check. Kdm IS running. Restarted kdm. Same problem.

    Opened another console and did an update and upgrade. LOTS of pkgs upgrades!

    Rebooted. Same problem.

    Open a console and execute "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" Same problem.

    The Kdm login screen has a logical bug. You are given two options: default (previous) and failsafe.
    IF you try the "failsafe" mode and then want to return to the normal KDE4 desktop you are without an option. The "default" option states in parentheses that it offers the "previous" desktop. IF you previous desktop was "failsafe" the does not seem to be an option to return to a normal KDE4 desktop.

    Rebooted. Did a recovery boot. Resumed. Same problem.
    Rebooted. Did a root with networking recovery boot. Wicd wouldn't connect to wlan0. No eth connected.

    Rebooted. Let login screen set after login for a long time. Same problem.

    HAL no longer generates an xorg.conf file, so I have nothing to edit or configure. THAT is the Achilles heel of the new xserver paradigm. If HAL can't configure it automatically the average user is left with NO manual option. Re-running HAL is a futile exercise. There are no man pages for HAL.

    I have three other kernel options available. I suspect that they will fail under the same problem. Testing reveals this to be the case, which raises the question as to the value of keeping previous kernels around.

    EDIT: DUH! Realized I had a geriatric moment. The xserver IS running. It is KDE4 that is not starting.. Will reload the desktop and try again.

    Broken dependencies. Attempting a reinstall of kubuntu-desktop revealed that kdebase-workspace- data is at version 4.3.1-0ubuntu7 BUT -0ubuntu-5 is to be installed. Installing 7 directly did not help.

    It appears that the version number sequence for KDE base packages in the repository is not in sync. So, I will have to continue upgrading until they are.

    Anyone else have a KDE4 desktop startup failure after the updates of last night and this morning?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

    You prolly checked those already, but how are you on space? I normally use df -h to check it. If you have plenty of that I'd try moving your ~/.kde to ~/.kde~ and let KDE generate its own new ~/.kde from scratch.

    Having said that, my money is on lack of space - especially after lots of downloads (if you keep / and ~ on the same partition, that is...

    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

      I have exactly the same problems after today's upgrade.

      It should not be a disk or memory issue on my system.




        Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

        Nope, not a space problem, I've got 25GB free out of 38GB. How much was your wager?

        It is definitely due to broken sync on the package versions.

        Vvrockhound confirms that he has the identical problem. I suspect that with a few more
        sudo apt-get update
        sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
        sequences it should resolve itself.

        Meanwhile, I resort to my very stable Jaunty partition!!
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

          I have the same problem on two systems I updated this morning. I was doing a new install of the latest Alpha and just decided to run all updates and there the black screen odeath was. I redid the install and did not update and it is working fine. Something is wrong with the update repository for sure.
          System76 Kudu Professional 17.3 Laptop 8Gig Memory Kubuntu 14.04


            Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

            I just did a "apt-get dist-upgrade" and have my system back this is at 2:30 pm PST 24Sept2009.



              Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

              updated about an hour ago and i got 5 computers down... my laptop and 4 desk's.
              murphy hates me

              apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing yet ( still waiting...


                Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                btw... files in /var/log seem to be ok


                  Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                  Yep -- confirmed -- I just got bit too.

                  The first sign of weirdness was a message on the login greeter: "Your saved session type "kde" is not valid any more. Please select a new one otherwise "default" will be used."

                  I thought my default is KDE -- I'm not sure what else it could be. So I logged in and pressed Enter. What I got was a black screen, with a single tiny point of white at the upper left and lower right, and a mouse cursor. Nothing further. Three times. I reinstalled the Nvidia driver and messed around making sure it was fully updated etc. etc. etc. Nada. I was on the verge of converting to a VESA video driver, but decided to boot sidux and wait it out 24 hours. No sense of tearing it up prematurely.


                    [SOLVED] Re: KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                    This brought my desktop back:
                    sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop
                    It didn't work before I went to the gym for an hour, but it worked after I came back! Apparently, the repositories were updated in the interim.

                    Interestingly, version 7 wasn't installed, version 8 was!

                    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                      Re: [SOLVED] KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                      Yep, confirmed again!

                      Interesting that apt-get dist-upgrade got me nothing, but apt-get install kubuntu-desktop got me a pile of upgraded packages. All looks fine, once again.

                      GG, you get the "tip of the day" award today!


                        Re: [SOLVED] KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                        How do you get to the Terminal (Konsole) from a black screen? I gave up and got on my other computer, downloaded Kubuntu 9.10 alpha6 and did a full install, of course I backup daily so all I lost was what i would have gotten on the upgrade that flattened me. From the black screen I could not even open my CD/DVD drive drawer. Just curious because there was not a three second pause in there to press escape either.
                        Robert Collard, Springfield, IL<br />Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop, Intel Duo T3400 CPUs @2.16Ghz<br />Xubuntu 9.10 x86_64


                          Re: [SOLVED] KDE4 desktop startup failure after updates

                          Originally posted by bobcollard
                          How do you get to the Terminal (Konsole) from a black screen?
                          You don't.

                          From a broken X screen, all you can do is Ctrl-Alt-F1 to the tty console. Log in there, and issue your CLI commands.

                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
                          sudo apt-get update
                          sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
                          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
                          sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start

