alright, i've put up with this for a while.
i want my ctrl-alt-backspace back.
i don't give a heck as to all the reasoning behind the disabling of this key combination.
it's been ctrl-alt-backspace for just about the last 20 years.
i don't see why i should change to altgr-sysrq-k.
yeah,'s better, it's lower level, ..., but last time i tried it didn't work.
and i don't give a heck if windoze users might hit this sequence by mistake (by mistake?).
or that they could lose their sessions and data.
windoze users use windoze.
ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't restart x in windoze.
and if they use kubuntu, they're no more windoze users than i am.
if we keep changing this system to their liking (or simply to attract them), we'll end up with windoze.
not something i particularly look forward to.
the "dontzap" package isn't available anymore.
adding the "dontzap" option to xorg.conf is not an option.
i don't have an xorg.conf on this system, for a start.
and adding it the xorg.conf would mean enable it system wide.
the simplest way to do this is to add an option to the keyboard layout (plain swiss, in my case).
the layout is set in a kde config file in the home directory.
so, this has the added advantage of being set on a per user basis.
the option that needs to be added is the following:
it is to be added to the "Options" property.
so the file now looks like the following:
this stuff is applied by kde.
so, all is needed to enable it is a logout/login sequence.
i want my ctrl-alt-backspace back.
i don't give a heck as to all the reasoning behind the disabling of this key combination.
it's been ctrl-alt-backspace for just about the last 20 years.
i don't see why i should change to altgr-sysrq-k.
yeah,'s better, it's lower level, ..., but last time i tried it didn't work.
and i don't give a heck if windoze users might hit this sequence by mistake (by mistake?).
or that they could lose their sessions and data.
windoze users use windoze.
ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't restart x in windoze.
and if they use kubuntu, they're no more windoze users than i am.
if we keep changing this system to their liking (or simply to attract them), we'll end up with windoze.
not something i particularly look forward to.
the "dontzap" package isn't available anymore.
adding the "dontzap" option to xorg.conf is not an option.
i don't have an xorg.conf on this system, for a start.
and adding it the xorg.conf would mean enable it system wide.
the simplest way to do this is to add an option to the keyboard layout (plain swiss, in my case).
the layout is set in a kde config file in the home directory.
so, this has the added advantage of being set on a per user basis.
ls -l .kde/share/config/kxkbrc -rw------- 1 myuser users 198 2009-08-19 22:35 .kde/share/config/kxkbrc
so the file now looks like the following:
cat .kde/share/config/kxkbrc [Layout] DisplayNames=ch IndicatorOnly=false LayoutList=ch Model=pc104 Options=lv3:ralt_switch,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp ResetOldOptions=true ShowFlag=true ShowSingle=false SwitchMode=Global Use=true
so, all is needed to enable it is a logout/login sequence.