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Device Notifier Problems with KDE

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    Device Notifier Problems with KDE

    What is it that when I insert a music CD and Device Notifier pops up that only a meager 2 to 3 options/applications there show up verses the rest of the Multimedia apps that are already installed in the OS.

    As of KDE 4.3 there is a "supposed" way to edit this, and as of this time even after going into I believe it's called "Device Actions" Under System Settings/Advanced I still cannot get it to work correctly no matter what distro with KDE 4.3 I try INCLUDING KUBUNTU 9.10. The application command is there and the rest but still no good.

    Maybe there's bugs, but I'm open to suggestions and or any feedback.

    This has to function correctly for me if I'm ever to use

    I like but this problem is stopping me from doing so.

    As of now the 18th day of August 2009, I'm not using any Linux distro with KDE till or if this problem is resolved. Back To KDE 3.5.10 for now.

    Thanks so very much.


    Re: Device Notifier Problems with KDE

    The settings for this feature are found in:

    System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions
    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


      Re: Device Notifier Problems with KDE

      With the KDE 4.2 it is possible to make own "Device Actions":

      > Open with Kaffeine, SMPlayer, VLC, ...
      > Play Audio CD with Kaffeine

      The KDE 4.3 has a gui to make this a bit easier ( is it ?). The "solid-actions" KDE control module is working with the KDE 4.2.4 > A notifier for the blank CD and DVD


      Officially it is a part of the KDE 4.3.X.
      Before you edit, BACKUP !

      Why there are dead links ?
      1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
      2. Thread: Lost Information


        Re: Device Notifier Problems with KDE

        Originally posted by Rog131
        With the KDE 4.2 it is possible to make own "Device Actions":

        > Open with Kaffeine, SMPlayer, VLC, ...
        > Play Audio CD with Kaffeine

        The KDE 4.3 has a gui to make this a bit easier ( is it ?). The "solid-actions" KDE control module is working with the KDE 4.2.4 > A notifier for the blank CD and DVD


        Officially it is a part of the KDE 4.3.X.
        I was there with KDE 4.3 and that didn't work at all after I tried exactly that what's shown in your photo.


          Re: Device Notifier Problems with KDE

          I was there with KDE 4.3 and that didn't work at all after I tried exactly that what's shown in your photo.
          Did you get ?

          An error message:
          Invalid action - System Settings

          It appears that the action name, commad, icon or condition are not valid.
          Therefore, changes will not be applied.

          No error messges but no "Device Actions" ?

          The KDE is reading the "Device Actions" at the KDE start. You need to log-out and log-in.

          or something else ?

          This is with the KDE 4.3.0 (the KDE 4.3.1 is released soon, september 1, maybe it is a bit userfriendly)

          Device Actions with the gui

          Video DVD default actions (4 - at here):
          Play DVD with Kaffeine
          Download Photo with digiKam
          Open with Video Player (Dragon Player)
          Open with File Manager
          Do nothing

          An example: Adding the VLC player to the Device Actions.

          System Settings > Advanced > Device Actions

          After n:th try :

          Action Name: Play DVD with VLC
          Command: vlc dvd://

          All of the conditions must match:

          Restriction type: Compare Value To
          Device type: Storage Volume
          Value name: Ignored
          Equals: false

          Restriction type: Compare Value To
          Device type Optical Disc
          Value name: Available Content
          Equals: 'Data|VideoDvd'

          ls ~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions/
          and the Play-DVD-with-VLC.desktop has:
          [Desktop Action open]
          Exec=vlc dvd://
          Name=Play DVD with VLC
          [Desktop Entry]
          X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=[ StorageVolume.ignored == false AND OpticalDisc.availableContent == 'Data|VideoDvd' ]
          Log-out and log in and DVD in. Now there are 5 options:
          Play DVD with VLC
          Play DVD with Kaffeine
          Download Photo with digiKam
          Open with Video Player (Dragon Player)
          Open with File Manager
          Do nothing

          An example: The easy and fast way

          The Kaffeine has working set of the "Device Actions". Using them as templates.

          Making a directory:
          mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions/
          cp /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/kaffeine_play_dvd.desktop ~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions/vlc_play_dvd.desktop
          Of course you could use the Dolphin/Konqueror and drag&drop.

          Changing the "Desktop Action" from the Kaffeine to the VLC:
          kate ~/.kde/share/apps/solid/actions/vlc_play_dvd.desktop
          Changing kaffeine to vlc (+ Exec=vlc dvd://). Now vlc_play_dvd.desktop has:
          [Desktop Entry]
          X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=OpticalDisc.availableContent & 'VideoDvd'
          [Desktop Action PlayDVD]
          Name=Play DVD with VLC
          Exec=vlc dvd://
          Log out - log in. Now there are 5 actions...

          That "Exec=..." line

          With the gui or if you are editing the .desktop file directly you need to know how the apppication is started from the commandline.

          There are man files:

          man man
          man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals

          man [-C file]...

          With the VLC:

          man vlc
          vlc, qvlc, svlc - the VLC media player

          vlc [OPTIONS] [ITEMS]...
          VLC recognizes several URL-style items:

          *.mpg, *.vob, *.avi, *.mp3, *.ogg
          Various multimedia file formats

          dvd://[<device>][@<raw device>][@[<title>][:[<chapter>][:<angle>]]]

          DVD device (for instance dvd:///dev/dvd). The raw device is optional and must have been prepared beforehand.
          The application could have build in help. With the VLC:
          vlc --help
          Usage: vlc [options] [stream] ...
          You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. They will be enqueued in the playlist.
          The first item specified will be played first.
          URL syntax:
          [file://]filename Plain media file
          http://iport/file HTTP URL
          ftp://iport/file FTP URL
          mms://iport/file MMS URL
          screen:// Screen capture
          [dvd://][device][@raw_device] DVD device

          About the "Device Actions" gui

          - It doesn't have help-file.
          - There is a generic error messge: "action name, commad, icon or condition are not valid." or the pixies are pissed...

          So the easiest way at here is to use the available device actions as template and use text editor to make new.
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information

