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[solved] kernel update broke kde

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    [solved] kernel update broke kde

    I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem, and if a workaround has been found.

    First things: I normally boot with spalsh and vga=791 in the grub kernel line. That doesn't work. If I set spalsh, I get garbage on the screen, and vga=791 produces a blank screen. I have to leave both off to get any display during bootup.
    KDM's login screen appears normal.
    Starting a gnome session works normally.
    If I try to start a kde session, I get the splash screen, followed by a white screen, followed by a black screen. kde is actually starting -- I get the login sounds, and some thing flashing on the screen, and I can start konsole by hitting ALT-F2 and typing in konsole. I get an outlined frams, still black, no text. CTL-ALT-F2 does bring up the terminal.
    If I move the .kde directory somewhere else and start a kde session, it does come up.
    I would prefer to fix it rather than lose my kde setup. Any ideas what may be going on?

    We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking

    Re: kernel update broke kde

    try this in the console

    ps aux
    (search for the kdm pid)

    sudo kill (kdm pid)
    sudo dpkg --configure -a kdm
    maybe ur kdm config messed up so ull try to reconfigure it all from srap
    im telling u ull have a lot to do...
    but dont worry just read all it asks u


      Re: kernel update broke kde

      Did some more experimenting; substituted the failsafe version of xorg.conf for the NVIDIA version, and kde came up fine. That at least allowed me to turn off compositing. Now, with the normal xorg.conf set up for my video card, kde starts. Compositing cannot be turned on; if I try to, I get a message box that says,
      Failed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values. Check your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.
      OK, I checked my xorg.conf file; it has not changed from the previous kernel. Xrender compositing does not work, either, with the same message. In fact, nothing using openGL works. Not screen savers, games, nothing. Nothing jumps out as being wrong in the NVIDIA configuration utility. None of the openGL effects in gnome work, either. Conclusion: openGL is broke.

      Any information on this? Or just alpha growing pains?

      sudo dpkg --configure -a kdm
      I may try that, if all else fails, but it seems to be a different problem.
      We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


        Re: kernel update broke kde

        well i have an nvidia 8800gts so im kinda familiar whit ur problem its not the opengl its just ur nvidia driver which is conflicting

        u should see if u find some how-to for ur nvidia video card
        forget ur kdm
        try to reconfigure ur xorg


          Re: kernel update broke kde

          i have some light reading for u here lol

          well hopfully u can get some answeres here some topic talk about the same stuff ur having troubles whit
          i hope i could help


            Re: [solved] kernel update broke kde

            OK, problem solved.

            When I downloaded the new kernel and tried to install the nvidia driver (the proprietary it told me that the version of gcc used to compile the kernel (4.3) was different from what is on the system (4.4) and it refused to compile. So I changed the symbolic link in /usr/bin/gcc to gcc-4.3, and the driver went ahead and compiled. All seemed well, and it ran fine with gnome (but no openGL). I tried recompiling the driver again, and this time it told me the version of gcc on the system (now 4.3) was different from that used to compile the kernel (now saying that was 4.4). So I changed the link back, recompiled, and now it works.

            That's what I get for believing error messages.
            We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn't want to meet. -- Stephen Hawking


              Re: [solved] kernel update broke kde

              lol so it was the kernel from the beginning jajaja
              nice u solved it

