Re: kubuntu to kubuntu folder sharing, need help
This is the exact problem I had a few days ago. As far as I can tell, the GUI-way does not work. Even after installing kdenetwork-filesharing, nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common, I could not share a single folder on either machine. However, there is a CLI way that is prety simple to set up.
1. Install nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common on both machines
2. Edit /etc/exports on the server. This is where you provide an entry for each folder you want to share. Could look like this for a folder called share in your /home:
3. Do
on the server.
4. Also on the server, restart nfs
5. Now on the client, do
This works just fine for me. It does require Step 5 every time you reboot the client, and it makes your share accessible in the whole network.
Both problems can be solved with autofs and portmap:
This is the exact problem I had a few days ago. As far as I can tell, the GUI-way does not work. Even after installing kdenetwork-filesharing, nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common, I could not share a single folder on either machine. However, there is a CLI way that is prety simple to set up.
1. Install nfs-kernel-server and nfs-common on both machines
2. Edit /etc/exports on the server. This is where you provide an entry for each folder you want to share. Could look like this for a folder called share in your /home:
/home/username/share *(all_squash,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000,async,secure,no_subtree_check,rw)
sudo exportfs -ra
4. Also on the server, restart nfs
sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
sudo mount servername.local:/home/username/share /mount/point/on/client
Both problems can be solved with autofs and portmap: