I've spent six hours so far trying to figure out how to share a directory between two kubuntu boxes.
Situation: wired network. Both machines have internet. Box 1 has 9.1 installed. Box 2 has a failed 9.04>9.10 upgrade (and an XP partition) and won't boot Linux. A live CD will boot and I can see all my files. I posted my situation on the Boot issues forum and have had no replies, so I want to copy /home directory over the network from box 2 to box 1 and wipe the partition to install 9.1 from zero.
I've been following the NFS howto on Little Girl's Mostly Linux Blog but get the error "/home/ubuntu does not offer nfs support".
Is there a better way to do this?
I've successfully set up samba shares before, that was a piece of wees. I cannot believe I'm having so much more trouble getting linux to talk to linux than linux to Windows!
Oh yeah, the HDD in Box 1 is IDE and the one Box 2 is SATA, otherwise I'd be done now
Thanks for any help!
Situation: wired network. Both machines have internet. Box 1 has 9.1 installed. Box 2 has a failed 9.04>9.10 upgrade (and an XP partition) and won't boot Linux. A live CD will boot and I can see all my files. I posted my situation on the Boot issues forum and have had no replies, so I want to copy /home directory over the network from box 2 to box 1 and wipe the partition to install 9.1 from zero.
I've been following the NFS howto on Little Girl's Mostly Linux Blog but get the error "/home/ubuntu does not offer nfs support".
Is there a better way to do this?
I've successfully set up samba shares before, that was a piece of wees. I cannot believe I'm having so much more trouble getting linux to talk to linux than linux to Windows!
Oh yeah, the HDD in Box 1 is IDE and the one Box 2 is SATA, otherwise I'd be done now
Thanks for any help!