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Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

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    Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN


    I've recently set up a local development webserver using Karmic. I downloaded and installed the server version of Kubuntu and have the web server working.
    The problem is that for some reason, I'm no longer able to connect to the internet. I can connect to my router, and other machines in my network can VNC into the server.

    I'm using an wired connection to the router and have the server set up on an internal IP of I used to be able to connect to the internet, I downloaded and installed a load of packages etc before it stopped working.

    The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was that I installed Samba so I could share files with the other machines on the network (two Macs and a WinXP laptop).
    I got the share working - I copied a load of files to the server via the share, rebooted for some reason and now I can't connect to the net (and other machines can't see the Samba share either.) However I can still VNC into the server.

    I hope someone can help me with this! I really need this webserver working but am on the verge of re-installing it!



    Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

    Can anybody help? Please


      Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

      It has not adjusted your proxy settings by any chance has it?

      Sorry if that sounds a little daft
      Running Kubuntu Karmic Koala&nbsp; with KDE 4.3 at home<br /><br />Kubuntu user 24342<br /><br />Running Dell Inspiron 530 Dual Core 3ghz<br /><br />and also running Kubuntu on a Lenovo thinkpad using a live pen drive<br /><br />Still no Microsoft here!


        Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

        DNS issue. A forum search will turn up several threads on this subject. I suspect your installation of server software may have changed something in your DNS settings.


          Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

          My post from older topic:
          For those, who still have the problem with DNS the simple solution:
          Make a file resolv.conf in home directory and write to it for example with Kate your DNS servers
          Then run this shell command to copy it to /etc directory
          $ sudo cp resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
          Immediately after this network is working. Click a geared wheel in the system tray to finish installation and then install wicd from repository.
          I did it for Intrepid and Jaunty and I hope it will work for ever.

          How to recognize DNS problem: Network manager claims, that network works, you can reach local computers but you cannot reach Internet sites. When you move a mouse over network icon you see a window with ip address, but there are not DNS servers, even if they were correctly manually filled in in the network manager dialog.
          How to install wicd: Install Synaptic first and then install wicd using Synaptic. During wicd installation you will be informed that current network manager will be uninstalled. Let it uninstall.
          Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


            Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

            double check your router to make sure DNS and Gateway address from your ISP is configure correctly. Most home router resolve DNS.
            Hard power down your router and your ISP connection for ten sec. power your ISP modem first and wait for it to power up completely, then power up your router. Reboot each computer, then ping see if you can see google.

            Sometime power outage and your ISP modem and router was forced to power up, if they did not power in a particular sequence, the will get confuse.


              Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

              I have my DNS problem only with Kubuntu. I checked SLAX and it finded DNS servers even with DHCP. So I think at least in my case, Kubuntu software is on blame. Maybe developers think that network connection is not important.
              Kubuntu 16.04 on two computers and Kubuntu 17.04 on DELL Latitude 13


                Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

                it sounds like you're having similar problems to what i am seeing here -, and what a number of other people are seeing as well. apparently the problem is with the karmic version of IPv6 support (possibly among other things) and one way that has been reported to solve this problem is to disable IPv6, a how-to for which is here -

                i haven't tried this yet, but there's some hope...
                ⇑ Hybrid Elephant
                ⇓ The world's finest exotic incense


                  Re: Can't connect to the internet, but can connect to the LAN

                  i found a solution that works for me... maybe it'll work for you, too -
                  ⇑ Hybrid Elephant
                  ⇓ The world's finest exotic incense

