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Wireless on Dell Mini 9 - How to

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    Wireless on Dell Mini 9 - How to

    Using Live USB & After fresh installation, I couldn't use wireless connection on my Dell mini 9.

    I thought someone would ask about it or search for it online, so I thought I'd write a simple how to.

    (Note: My netbook has a Broadcom wireless network card.)

    1. After installing Kubuntu 9.10 on your system, connect to the Internet through an Ethernet port.

    2. Update your packages & install updates either by:

    a. Menu ---> System ---> KPackageKit ---> Software Updates
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    3. Menu ---> System ---> Hardware Drivers ---> (Select the "Boardcom STA wireless driver") ---> Activate.

    4. Reboot your machine.

    Hope it saves some people's day.

    Thanks to mantisdolphin for brining this to my attention.

    It is possible to update without connecting to the internet via an Ethernet.

    (New Menu) Menu ---> Applications ---> System ---> KPackage
    (Old Menu) Menu ---> System ---> KPackage

    Settings ---> Edit Software Sources ---> Other Software

    Then tick the cdrom

    Then check software updates & Hardware Drivers.

    Note: I've booted a Live USB flash & after installing the drivers it crashed, probably due to bootin it live .. I assume doing that in an installed system shouldn't cause any problems.

    Re: Wireless on Dell Mini 9 - How to

    Very nice fix 0x00FE.

    Is there a way to do a sudo apt-get from a flashdrive? Let's just say I'm looking to avoid any Ethernet entanglements.

    Save the day.


      Re: Wireless on Dell Mini 9 - How to

      Thanks for the note mantisdolphin

      I've edited my original post ; )

