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Boot hangs to "swanp vaiiting for UUID..." after update to 9.1

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    Boot hangs to "swanp vaiiting for UUID..." after update to 9.1

    This is probably a simple problem, but I don't know enough about Kubuntu/Linux to fix it.

    I just updated to 9.1 from about a year old Kubuntu version. During the update I had a USB drive plugged in (didn't install from it) and now Kubuntu will not boot unless that same drive is in the same USB port it was when updating. Booting just stops with a message like:

    ... done.
    swanp vaiting for UUID=someting-someting-something
    Problem solved. The usb drive was listed in the fstab for some reason.

    Re: Boot hangs to "swanp vaiiting for UUID..." after update to 9.1

    That sounds like your USD drive is assigned as swap partition wich would be weird.
    Almost certainly the USB drive has been added to the /etc/fstab configuration.

    Someone might have a smarter solution but I would boot from a Live CD or USB drive and edit the /etc/fstab on the hard drive.

    As an example the relevant bit from my fstab file:
    # swap was on /dev/sda6 during installation
    UUID=4ee5a92d-6ee5-4d42-bfff-funnynumber none      swap  sw       0    0
    The section that starts with UUID is pointing to the swap partition and cannot be found when your USB drive is missing, you are probably best off to replace it with the hard link to where it resides.
    The hard link would be similar to the commented out (#) first line in my example.

    Another option is to start up from a Supergrub live disk and select the 'Repair Boot' option.


      Re: Boot hangs to "swanp vaiiting for UUID..." after update to 9.1

      Thank you. Removing the usb drive from the fstab did the trick.

